Sad story for the British Businessman and his family’s long-held secret…

Over the past two decades Hong Kong has grown rich as one of Asia’s “tigers”, while the Philppines has stayed less fortunate. Hong Kong is the closest rich economy to the philippines. Nick Cousins, managing director of insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson’s Hong Kong office, and his Flipino partner Herminia Garcia but known to her …


任何企业家都需要一个地方来建立自己的公司。当然,他要考虑面积,还要考虑租金的多少,这是一个不容忽视的参数。事实上,房东可能会(图片)提高价格。最重要的是,香港已成为租金最高的城市之一。根据 2014 年 1 月发布的 Demographic Internati[…]

The promise of Spring Arrival with our client What the Frock?! or What the Frock is going on for Spring break??

When it comes to dress it up, we can give you a super chic online web store featuring fabulous dresses and jewellery. The temperature is rising in Hong Kong and these WTF frocks will definitely keep you looking good in the heat of the moment. The Spring collection is simply stunning and works beautifully on any …


说到打扮,我们可以为您提供一个超级别致的在线网上商店,提供精美的连衣裙和珠宝。 香港的气温正在上升,这些 WTF 的连衣裙肯定会让你在炎热的时刻看起来很好看。 春季系列令人惊艳,适用于任何肤色。一年中的这个时候,你总是可以依靠完整的花卉幻想来确保季节之间的平稳[…]

You want to row your business internationally? Centre O Business Centre are here to assist you!

Hong Kong offers a favorable environment for the development of Internet and electronic commerce. As a regional trading and services hub, Hong Kong is where commercial activities take place day and night, serving both local and foreign companies. These commercial activities are supported by Hong Kong’s excellent telecommunications and information technology infrastructure. While you having …

您想在国际上开展业务吗?CENTER O 商务中心随时为您提供帮助!

香港为互联网和电子商务的发展提供了有利的环境。作为区域贸易和服务中心,香港是日以继夜进行商业活动的地方,为本地和外国公司提供服务。这些商业活动得到​​香港优良的电讯和资讯科技基础设施的支持。当您在本国注册电子商务公司时遇到问题,Center 0 商务中心可以帮[…]

Easy way to get your China Visa with Centre O Connect!

One of the world’s oldest civilizations is now one of its economic superpowers. Expatriates going to China are attracted by the economic opportunities as well as the cultural experience. Visitors with valid passports or travel documents are welcomed to apply for China Visa; the price of a China visa in Hong Kong is dependent on …

通过 CENTER O 轻松获得中国签证!

世界上最古老的文明之一现在是其经济超级大国之一。前往中国的外籍人士被经济机会和文化体验所吸引。欢迎持有效护照或旅行证件的游客申请中国签证;香港中国签证的价格取决于您的国籍和您需要签证的速度。 为了成功申请签证,请准备以下文件: 一份完整的申请表 有效期至少为六[…]