(图片) 现在是时候改变你做会计的方式了。 Xero 通过利用云端彻底改变会计,让您可以随时访问您的客户。如果您希望正确快速地完成会计报告, Xero是您的不二 之选。 通过选择Xero会计软件,小型企业能够更高效、更准确地管理财务,并使企业能够以最少的努力[…]
Author Archives: admin
我们很高兴昨晚与您在一起,感谢您与斯蒂芬·巴恩斯一起参加我们的“商业投资签证”活动。我们的共享办公和场地空间又一次吸引了大量观众,成为一场全场活动。您的出席和参与使本次活动取得了真正的成功。 谢谢大家的光临,我们已经在计划下个月的下一次活动。不要错过! 如需更[…]
Twitter can help you to boost your company
China’s censors have blocked Twitter’s micro blog since 2009 along with U.S. social media platform Facebook, Google and YouTube. But last week, something changed: Twitter Inc. has opened an office in Hong Kong, its first in China. The company has worked with celebrities and television networks to boost his presence and got a better impact …
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TWITTER 可以帮助您推动公司发展
自 2009 年以来,中国的审查机构已经屏蔽了 Twitter 的微博以及美国社交媒体平台 Facebook、谷歌和 YouTube。但上周,事情发生了变化:Twitter Inc. 在香港开设了办事处,这是其在中国的第一家办事处。该公司与名人和电视网络合作,[…]
How building your success in Hong Kong??? By doing a trade Fair!
If you want to promote your products and services to masses, trade shows are the best place for you. Trade shows offer you an opportunity to interact directly with potential buyers and to understand consumer’s needs. Organizing a trade show is essential to your business growth so Centre O Business Centre is here to help …
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如果您想向大众推广您的产品和服务,贸易展览会是您的最佳选择。贸易展为您提供了与潜在买家直接互动并了解消费者需求的机会。 组织贸易展对您的业务增长至关重要,因此Center O 商务中心随时为您提供帮助。 通过正确的策略,您参加的每场贸易展都是扩大公司规模的机会[…]
Earth Hour 2015 is coming up!
Take the opportunity to get involved in the world’s largest collective environmental action to do your part to help address environmental concerns. Do you know that we are over consuming the resources of our planet? If everyone on earth consumed resources at the same rate as Hong Kong, the humanity would need 3.1 Earths to …
2015 年地球一小时即将到来!
借此机会参与世界上最大的集体环境行动,尽自己的一份力量帮助解决环境问题。你知道我们正在过度消耗地球上的资源吗?如果地球上的每个人都以与香港相同的速度消耗资源,那么人类将需要 3.1 个地球来支持我们的需求或资源。 (图片) 2015年地球一小时的主题是“一小时[…]
Trademark Registration IP Protection Introduction Seminar
Our team would like to say thank you for coming to the event. It was a record turnout, and we were certainly impressed by the amount of energy and enthusiasm created by all the people in the standing room-only crowd. We are already in the works to create another event and talking to new guests …
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我们的团队想对您参加此次活动表示感谢。 这是一个创纪录的出席人数,我们肯定对站在房间里的所有人所创造的活力和热情印象深刻。 我们已经在筹备另一场活动,并与新客人和新主持人讨论商业投资签证。 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面: http://www.mee[…]