
(图片) 我们似乎比以往任何时候都更加忙碌。很多时候,我们都在处理大量的任务,并尽可能地挤出一些私人时间。 对于那些忙碌的人来说,有效率的工具是必不可少的。毕竟,如果技术不能帮助我们充分利用我们的生活,为什么会在这里? 以下是一些有效率的工具的简短列表,我们希[…]

Centre O presents an Evening with Lyoness

Are you looking for more options to lower your tax? Are you looking for more ways to benefit from Lyoness? If your answer is “yes!” to these questions above, Lyoness Evening – is what you need! Brought to you by centre o business centre and Lyoness, we would like to invite you to this event …

Business Lessons To Be Learnt from The Olympics. Lesson One: Impossible Is Nothing

Sports and business have always had a lot in common. To be successful in both, you need stamina, will power, persistence and lots and lots of hard work. So it is quite natural that lessons learnt from sports can help us learn new ones in business. Similarly, formidable achievements in sports are a good source …

Timeless Classics by Female Entrepreneurs

As more and more women make their name in the business world, it comes as no surprise that more and more women are also eager to share their stories. A great article on Stilettowoman.com compiled a list of a few must-reads for the ladies in business and we are happy to share their findings. The …


(图片) 随着越来越多的女性在商界成名,越来越多的女性也渴望分享她们的故事也就不足为奇了。 Stilettowoman.com 上的一篇很棒的文章为商界女士编制了一些必读的清单,我们很高兴分享他们的发现。 建立百万美元企业的女孩指南:  作为非常成功的 SBT[…]


(图片) 体育和商业总是有很多共同点。要在这两方面都取得成功,你需要耐力、意志力、毅力和大量的努力工作。 因此,从体育中吸取的经验教训可以帮助我们在商业中学习新知识。同样,在体育方面取得的巨大成就是激发商业挑战的良好来源。 那么我们可以从今年的索契奥运会中学到[…]


(图片) 您是否正在寻找更多方法来降低税收? 您是否正在寻找更多从 Lyoness 获益的方法? 如果你的回答是“是的!” 对于以上这些问题,Lyoness Evening就是您所需要的!我们想邀请您参加这次活动,由 center o 商务中心和 Lyones[…]


(图片) 我们被教导要“对抗”压力,摆脱它,如果可能的话,完全避免它。 我们都有这样的日子,当任务似乎堆积在你身上时,无论你多么努力,压力仍然存在。 然而,压力可能并不是一件坏事。 据《提高幸福感》一书的作者克里斯汀·卡特(Christine Carter)博[…]