I’m not a Hong Kong ID card holder, can I incorporate a business in Hong Kong?

You can incorporate a business in Hong Kong. Company in Hong Kong requires at least one director and one company secretary. If the company has one director only, the sole director cannot be the secretary of the company at the same time. If the secretary is an individual, he/she should ordinarily reside in Hong Kong. …


(图片) 海外公司,即在香港境外设立的公司,在香港设立营业地点,则为代表处。海外公司在香港设立代表处受公司条例第XI*部规管。 *第 XI 部分 – 在香港以外成立的公司  关于在香港设立营业地点的规定 332. 第 XI 部分的适用 333. 由在香港设立营[…]

Do I still need to pay tax in Hong Kong even if I’m already paying tax in the states?

You are obliged to file a tax return with the Inland Revenue Department. The Inland Revenue Ordinance (“IRO”) contains no exemption from profits tax for offshore companies. Whether an offshore company is liable to profits tax depends on the nature and extent of its activities in Hong Kong.