Alexandre de Paris new shop at The Landmark

Nothing pleases us more than success of our clients and friends! We have great news this week! Alexandre de Paris, our long-term client just opened brand new shop at The Landmark in Central. Alexandre de Paris sells luxury hair accessories, including hair pins and head bands. All the items are hand crafted and shipped right from France. Centre o have been there and seen it and we have to say hair accessories are all in this season!


Alexandre de Paris makes you feel luxurious from the very moment you enter the shop. The carpet and walls are all velvet and soft in beautiful earth beige and turquoise colours. In the centre there is a modern display of crab pins in different sizes and colors revolving in a circle. Isn’t this a fantastic idea? Suddenly we felt like kids and started playing with the display selecting the items we loved most! In addition customers may learn about Alexandre de Paris Universe from a digital display installed in the shop. Did you know that Miss China was wearing Alexandre de Paris crown in 2009?


It is not only hair pins or head bands that you might acquire at the shop. You want to look stylish but have no idea how to create your own hairstyle? The staff at Alexandre de Paris are trained in hair dressing and know all about newest trends in hair styling. Just pick one chic item and let the girls help you with your hair-do! Our manager Josephine loved a purple crystal butterfly pin and had her hair braided.


Shopping at Alexandre de Paris is so addictive. So far we have been to Causeway Bay shop at Great George Street and the one in Pacific Place in Admiralty but The Landmark will definitely be our favorite shop. It seems like hair accessories are taking over the fashion world nowadays!

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