Best way to identify your target market

For any sales and business development strategy, the best way is to start with having your future customers in mind. By identifying the main characteristics of your target audience, you will analyze how they behave and what they need.

A useful way of identifying your target market would be to answer the 5 W’s of WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY. Once you have an informative client profile, you will be able to determine how and where to reach them. This will help you out to run your business successfully in the long run.

Have you identified the target market suitable to your idea? Call us at +852 31242888 or email us at We are pleased to discuss with your new business idea and help you set it up in Hong Kong!

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#CentreO #HongKongEntrepreneurs #BussinessCentre #Sales #TargetMarket #Entrepreneurship

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