Can Air Conditioning Make You Sick?

In a 2004 study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, the office AC was found to be a big contributing factor to the sick-building syndrome (SBS).

SBS is related to the situation when people develop certain symptoms when they are in the building, but the symptoms disappear as soon as they are outside.

It was discovered by Dr. Dan Teculescu of the European Respiratory Society when he found that people spending a lot of time in an air-conditioned environment were 2.5 times more prone to colds than those who breathed fresh air daily.

The reason for this may be dirty air filters. In fact one study conducted in mainland China revealed that over 75% of filters contained harmful bacteria, that could potentially cause pneumonia.

So what do we do?

There are two time-proven and highly effective solutions.

First of all, make sure you get regular doses of fresh air. Take a walk, go for a hike or a jog along the beach.

At centre o we are lucky to be in the walking distance of a number of amazing outdoor locations, including Hong Kong Park, perfect for a quick lunch or a leisurely stroll.

Second, clean your air conditioning vents regularly, at least every two or three months. This will not only help you stay healthy, but also avoid increased power and maintenance costs.

We at centre o take this matter seriously. Our air conditioning contractor comes in monthly to change the filters. In addition we have regular air-duct clean-ups to make sure that our clients and we breathe clean healthy air.

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