People tend to dive into deeper and deeper pool of creativity in search of their company names. As open as Hong Kong is when it comes to company naming, there are a few words that can jot be included in the company name for legal reasons. These words are presented below: “Trust” “Chamber of Commerce” ”Bureau” …
Category Archives: Incorporation
要注册香港公司,您必须提供香港本地地址作为公司的注册地址。注册地址必须是实际地址,不能是邮政信箱。 香港的公司税是如何运作的? 对于在香港设立的公司,香港的税项为应课税利润的 16.5%。 香港遵循地域征税基础,即只有在香港产生或源自香港的利润才须在香[…]
(图片) 距离今年最盛大的橄榄球赛事——香港七人制橄榄球赛还有不到 14 天的时间,他们将于3 月28日来到香港大球场,一直持续到 3 月 30日。 汇丰七人制世界锦标赛,以前称为 IRB 七人制世界锦标赛,由 10 月至 5 月在世界各地举行的九场比赛组成。[…]
Countdown to Hong Kong 7s – Only 14 Days Left!
Fewer than 14 days are left to the most magnificent rugby event of the year – Hong Kong 7s, which will be coming to Hong Kong Stadium on the 28th of March and staying till March 30th. The HSBC Sevens World Series, previously known as the IRB Sevens World Series, consists of nine tournaments held …
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What Expenses Can You Claim as An Individual in Hong Kong?
Paying taxes in Hong Kong is a responsibility for every resident. However, there are ways to lower your tax costs, provided you are well aware of what items you can claim: Self-Education Approved Charitable Donations Contributions to MPF/ Retirement scheme Home Loan Interest Elderly Residential Care Expenses Married couple Children ( full-time students) Disability Contact …
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What Expenses Can Your Business Claim in Hong Kong?
When paying company taxes in Hong Kong, make sure you know what expenses you can claim as a company. Here’s a list for your reference: Purchase of goods for resale Wages , MPF Contribution Rents , Lease of venue, machines, Rates Repairs Lighting , Electricity Internet , Mobile phone Running costs of company Entertainments Insurance …
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(图片) 在香港缴纳公司税时,请确保您知道作为公司可以申报哪些费用。以下是一份清单供您参考: 购买转售商品 工资、强积金供款 租金,场地租赁,机器, 费率 维修 照明、电力 互联网、手机 公司运营成本 娱乐 保险 香港会籍费内/外的差旅费 为企业融资而借款支付[…]
(图片) 在香港缴税是每个居民的责任。但是,有一些方法可以降低您的税收成本,前提是您非常清楚您可以申报哪些项目: 自学 批准的慈善捐赠 强积金/退休计划供款 房屋贷款利息 老年人住宿护理费用 已婚夫妇 儿童(全日制学生) 残疾 联系 centero 团队了解更[…]
I Like Hong Kong. I Want To Start My Business Here. What Should I Do?
So now, I am in Hong Kong, breathing its air, feeling the business vibe and taking it all in. I think I really like it and I want to start my business here. What should I do? Foreigners who wish to register an offshore limited liability company in Hong Kong, must take into consideration the …
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Starting a consulting business in Hong Kong? What kind of visa should you apply for?
Consulting is a popular field in Hong Kong. Thus, it is no wonder that after working as a consultant in a big company, you might want to embark on a journey of your own. However, what are the visa considerations for a private consultant in Hong Kong? Stephen Barnes points out: If you plan to …