How to Open a Company Bank Account in Hong Kong?

So, you have your company registered, and you are planning to setup a bank account. Ho do you do that? Step One. CALL and make an appointment at the bank of your choice, since most banks in Hong Kong do not handle walk-in clients for company bank account setup. They also do not handle bank …


(图片) 您注册了公司,现在计划要开设一个银行账户。 应该怎么做? 步骤1。致电您选择的银行进行预约,因为香港的大多数银行不处理公司银行账户开设的无预约客户。他们在星期六也不处理银行开户事宜。 第二步。确保公司的所有董事都可以接受银行任命。银行要求在现场会见所[…]

Inspiration Friday: Lizzie Velasquez

We all need inspiration from time to time, and not just a motivational quote, but perhaps advice or a story from someone who has experienced the real thing. For me, this inspiration comes from TED Talks. I’ve gotten into the habit of watching one video a day (sometimes for business or education, sometimes for fun …


(图片) 我们都时不时地需要启发,而不仅仅是励志名言,还可能是经历过真实事件的人的建议或故事。 对我来说,这个启发来自于 TED Talks。我已经养成了每天看一个视频的习惯(有时是为了商业或教育,有时是为了好玩,大多数时候是为了激励)。 我想分享一个最近启发[…]