
(图片)当被置于聚光灯下时,我们中的许多人都难以描述我们与其他人的区别。 “你有什么不同?” “是什么让您的业务如此特别?” 有时,我们就像一头在车头灯前目瞪口呆的鹿一样措手不及。目瞪口呆,嗯~,只有在你走开后才意识到,一切都很容易想到。 幸运的是,凯文·罗杰[…]

A Bird in The Hand or How to Get More Clients by Referral

“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. Now, how to apply this to your business? If you are running a business, it means you are on a constant look out for new clients. What if we told you that they may be closer than you think? We are talking about the …


与你分享一份国际出版物清单,提供值得信赖的建议和灵感,无论您的创业活动在哪个领域。 希望您能在晚上找到适合自己的东西。 福布斯 (图片) 福布斯在商业出版物中家喻户晓,涵盖金融、工业、投资、营销、技术、通信、科学和法律。它提供对广泛主题的深入洞察,并提供对全球[…]

Top Five International Magazines for Entrepreneurs

We’d like to share with you a list of international publications, offering trustworthy advice and inspiration, no matter in what field your entrepreneurial activities may lie. We hope you’ll find something for yourself to flip through in the evening. Forbes Forbes is a household name in business publications, covering finance, industry, investments, marketing, technology, communications, …


(图片) “可以掌握的小东西,胜过没有把握的大东西”。现在,如何将其应用到您的业务中? 如果您正在经营一家企业,这意味着您一直在寻找新客户。如果我们告诉你他们可能比你想象的更近呢? 我们正在谈论您已经拥有的客户,因为他们也可能是您的新客户的最大来源。 想一想:[…]

How To Save a Life? Learn Basic CPR For a Heart Attack.

This hands-on version is easy to learn and will give you a basic idea of what to do if someone next to you is in trouble.  These two simple steps can save a life: If the victim is unresponsive or barely breathing, immediately call 999. Place your palms flat in the centre of the person’s …


(图片) 用一杯您最喜欢的混合咖啡开始新的一天对我们中的一些人来说几乎是一种仪式。 它唤醒你,让你为新的一天做好准备,并且不要求任何回报。 根据发表在《咖啡因研究杂志》上的一项新研究综述,“咖啡因使用障碍”非常普遍。 为了得出这个结论,研究人员查看了之前发表的[…]

Do You Suffer From “Caffeine Use Disorder”?

Starting your day with a cup of your favourite coffee blend is almost a ritual for some of us. It wakes you up, gets you ready for the day and asks for nothing in return. Or does it? According to a new study review published in the Journal of Caffeine Research, “caffeine use disorder” is …


(图片) 这个动手操作的版本很容易学习,如果你身边的人遇到麻烦,你会想到使用它救援。这两个简单的步骤可以挽救生命: 如果受害者没有反应或几乎没有呼吸,请立即拨打 999。 将你的手掌平放在人的胸部中央,用力快速地按压。以每分钟 100 次的速度按下至少两英寸。[…]