What are the Real Benefits of Teambuilding?

We are all familiar with team building and while we mostly tend to see it as a fun outing with colleagues or a night at KTV, there is much more to it than that. Here’s what.  Improved Communication Teambuilding activities can breakdown barriers and help people come out of their shell. By working together on …


(图片) 回头客和推荐是您的企业创收的一种经济有效的方式。因此,花一些时间改善客户体验、培养和关心现有客户是个好主意,这里有 4 个技巧: 1.服务,不卖 开始关注潜在客户的需求、愿望、目标、挑战以及如何帮助他们解决这些问题,而不是仅仅关注产生销售。客户会发现[…]


我们都尽可能地提高生产力和效率。然而,有时我们真的需要在电视前的沙发上度过一个晚上。如果是这样的话,为什么不让它变得有用,以及放松呢? 这是我们认为您可能会感兴趣的商业节目列表。 我是如何赚到数百万的 (图片) 这个节目是初创公司的必看节目,因为它展示了从“一[…]

Top Ten Business Shows for Entrepreneurs (or some ideas for a rainy weekend)

We all try to be as productive and efficient as we possibly can. Yet, an evening on the couch in front of the TV is sometimes something we really need. And if that’s the case, why not make it useful, as well as relaxing? Here’s a list of business shows that we thought you might …


(图片) 您是否觉得自己需要扩展知识,但重返学校并不适合您? 由于我们先进的技术,现在有很多选择,例如 – 网络教育。 有什么比自定进度学习更好的呢?完全免费的程序学习! 以下是一些列表: Coursera:由来自 16 个国家/地区的 85 所大[…]


(图片)今年的ISPO MUNICH 是领先的国际体育商业网络贸易展览会,于1 月26 日至29 日在慕尼黑举行。本次展会为国际商业体育网络提供了一个绝佳的平台。本届展会设有“运动与表演”、“活动与舒适”和“身体与护理”三个主题世界,展品种类繁多。从休闲运动装[…]

ISPO Trade Fair

This year ISPO MUNICH, The Leading International Sport Business Network trade fair, was held in Munich from 26th to the 29th of January. This exhibition gives a wonderful platform international business sports networking. There were three theme worlds: ‘Sports & Performance’, ‘Activity & Comfort’ and ‘Body & Care’, with a range of exhibits at this year’s …


前几天,我在滑板上看到了我的一位大学朋友的照片。现在你可能觉得它没有那么有趣,但如果我告诉你我一直都知道 Julia 是一个穿着高跟鞋、头发和妆容都无可挑剔的时尚少女呢?此外,她现在是圣地亚哥一家知名 IT 公司的销售总监? (图片) 她照片下的标题说:“偶尔[…]

Happy Digital Learning Day!

Do you feel like you want to expand your knowledge but going back to school just isn’t for you? There are many options now thanks to our advancing technology, such as – online education. What could be better than self-paced learning? Completely FREE program learning! Here are a list of some: Coursera: over 400 courses …