(图片) 您必须在每个日历年提交周年申报表。公司注册处处长无权授予豁免提交周年申报表。 所以你在香港经营生意。你肯定知道你必须提交一份年度申报表。你们中的一些人可能想知道,是否绝对有必要在每个日历年提交年度报告,或者是否有提交报告的豁免。 不幸的是,您必须为每[…]
Category Archives: Incorporation
非香港公司周年申报表 – 注册费是多少?
(图片) 如果您拥有一家非香港公司并提交年度申报表。与注册相关的年费是多少呢? 就非香港公司而言,如周年申报表在其注册日期的最近一周年之后的 42 天内交付,则须缴付 180 港元的年度注册费。如超过规定的 42 天期限提交周年申报表,则须缴付高得多的登记费[…]
Annual Return for a Non-Hong Kong Company – what are the registration fees?
So you have a non-Hong Kong company and file your annual return. What are the annual fees associated with registration? For a non-Hong Kong company, an annual registration fee of HK $180 is payable if the annual return is delivered within 42 days after the most recent anniversary of the date of its registration. Substantially …
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Filing an Annual Return Every Calendar Year. Is there an exemption?
You have to file an annual return in every calendar year. The Registrar of Companies does not have the power to grant exemption from filing annual return. So you are running a business in Hong Kong. And you are sure to know that you are required to file an annual return. Some of you may …
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Change of Business Name in Hong Kong. Does it Affect the Date of Your Annual Return?
So you went out and did it – changed your company’s name. You were certainly issued a Certificate of Registration of Change of Corporate Name of Non-Hong Kong Company by the Companies Registry. So here comes the question: should the annual return of your company be made up to the anniversary of the date …
如果您更改了公司名称,您应在更改后的 1 个月内通知商业登记署。应注明商业登记号码、原和新的商业名称、商业地址和变更日期。 或者,您可以在IRC 3110A表格中提供详细信息 。 如果您未能按时提交申请会怎样? 任何人没有提交通知,即属犯罪,可处罚款 $5,0[…]
(图片) 我们一直在寻找完美的办公空间。在我们找到完美的之前,改变是不可避免的。 那么关于地址变更的法律手续如何办理呢? 如果您的营业地址发生变更,您应在变更后的 1 个月内以书面形式通知商业登记署。在您的通知中,您应该说明您的商业登记号码、公司名称、新旧公[…]
(图片) 如果一段时间后,您发现改变您的业务性质会带来更大机会,为什么不改呢? 不过,还需要通过法律程序。 如果您的业务性质发生任何变化,您应在变更后的 1 个月内以书面形式通知商业登记署。商业登记号码、名称、地址、详情及更改日期应予说明。或者,您可以在表格I[…]
Investment Visa Talk by Stephen Barnes on Dec 13th Went Great!
We are happy to report that the Investment Visa Talk by Stephen Barnes was held successfully on Dec 13th. The event was started off with the speech of Dr. Yeung, the president of HKICP. Stephen went on to introduce the audience to process of applying for an investment visa in Hong Kong, focusing on eligibility, …
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我们都喜欢在办公室吃东西。不幸的是,由于时间限制和缺乏计划,我们可能经常会选择更快、更不健康的选择。如何防止?只需提前计划并查看我们的健康办公室零食清单: – 全麦饼干和花生酱(甜的) 尝试杂粮饼干作为纤维的良好来源,而无添加剂的花生酱则作为蛋白质的来源。 ([…]