Company Registration Vs. Trademark Registration

Quite a few people tend to confuse the two notions: company registration and trademark registration. Some even think they are the same and require one application. This is not the case. Separate laws and systems regulate the registration of company names, business names and trademarks in Hong Kong. Let’s say you want to register a …


我们很高兴请到香港签证手册的作者、香港特别行政区著名的签证和移民问题专家斯蒂芬·巴恩斯 (Stephen Barnes) 来谈谈外国企业家在获得必要的移民许可以加入或创办企业方面面临的挑战在香港这里。 这是一个免费的研讨会。Stephen将花费大量时间讨论单人[…]

Hong Kong Investment Visa Application Workshop “Do It Yourself: Apply for an Investment Visa for Hong Kong Visa Without Paying for Professional Help”

We are very happy to have Stephen Barnes, author of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook and renowned expert on visa and immigration matters in the HKSAR, to talk about the challenges faced by foreign national entrepreneurs in securing the necessary immigration permissions to join in or establish businesses here in Hong Kong. This is a …

公司注册 与 商标注册

(图片) 不少人容易混淆两个概念:公司注册和商标注册。有些人甚至认为它们是相同的,只需要一个应用程序。 事实并非如此。在香港注册公司名称、商业名称和商标的法律和制度是不同的。 假设您想在香港注册公司,您必须到商业登记处(税务局)申请注册您的企业名称。但是,这并[…]

Same Sex Marriages: Can Your Partner Get A Dependent Visa?

Let’s say that you and your partner got married in California. Then one of you gets a promising career or business opportunity in Hong Kong and would like to move. Under standard circumstances, your married partner should be eligible for a dependent visa, right? Unfortunately, Hong Kong still does not recognize same-sex marriages and your …


(图片) 假设您和您的伴侣在加利福尼亚结婚。那么你们中的一个人在香港获得了有前途的职业或商业机会,并想搬家。在标准情况下,您的已婚伴侣应该有资格获得受抚养人签证,对吗? 不幸的是,香港仍然不承认同性婚姻,您的伴侣将无法获得受抚养人签证。 那么有哪些选择呢? 首[…]

Same Sex Marriages: Can My Partner Come to Hong Kong?

Let’s say that you and your partner got married in California. Then one of you gets a promising career or business opportunity in Hong Kong and would like to move. Under standard circumstances, your married partner should be eligible for a dependent visa, right? Unfortunately, Hong Kong still does not recognize same-sex marriages and your …


(图片) 假设您和您的伴侣在加利福尼亚结婚。那么你们中的一个人在香港获得了有前途的职业或商业机会,并想搬家。在标准情况下,您的已婚伴侣应该有资格获得受抚养人签证,对吗? 不幸的是,香港仍然不承认同性婚姻,您的伴侣将无法获得受抚养人签证。 那么有哪些选择呢? 首[…]

You have the right of abode in China and newly married to a Chinese national. Can she get a dependent visa?

What happens if you have the right of abode in Hong Kong and got married to someone from mainland China. Would they be able to get a dependent visa? Unfortunately – no. Under current immigration policy. Having the right of abode in Hong Kong, means you are treated as a local person. So you will …


(图片) 情况是这样的:你离婚了,孩子和你住在一起。您正在考虑移居香港并正在申请工作签证。您的孩子是否有资格获得受养人签证来与您一起留在香港? 答案是肯定的。但是,您需要提交证明文件,证明: – 您的前配偶不反对您将孩子带到国外 – 如相关离婚文件所述,您是您[…]