Centre o and O- Dog wish you a productive Monday! Start your week on a good note and the positive energy will last through the whole week.
Category Archives: Incorporation
(图片) 创新、创造力、成功——它们很少单独发生的。 事实是,可能有很多事情您不知道和做不到。幸运的是: – 在共享办公室,您可能会找到能够并愿意帮助您的人 – 您将能够与他人分享我们自己的经验和专业知识,发起知识交流,而伟大的想法将由此诞生 – 如果您是一名[…]
Centre o Services: All the Nitty Gritty
Looking for more help? Centre o aims to be your one-stop solution for business assistance in Hong Kong. We can also help you with all the nitty-gritty: photocopy/ fax/ email / binding typing/ translation/ interpretation design & printing photoshoot (products/portraits) event management courier/ postage arrangements company and signature chops All your questions will be …
Shared Office/ Co-Working Space: People Factor
Co-working is not so much about office space, as it is about people. Working in isolation can not compare to an idea-charged environment and the buzz of entrepreneurial creativity. A shared environment is a great for net-working and the possibilities are endless: – You could meet a potential business partner, employee, investor, employer or consultant. …
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(图片)共享办公与其说是关于办公空间,不如说是关于人。孤立地工作无法与充满创意的环境和企业家创造力的交谈声相比。共享环境非常适合网络工作,而且可能性是无限的: – 您可能会遇到潜在的商业伙伴、员工、投资者、雇主或顾问。 – 在志同道合的人的陪伴下,休息时间必须[…]
Centre O 服务:细节
(图片) 寻求更多帮助?Center o 旨在成为您在香港提供商业协助的一站式解决方案。 我们还可以帮助您解决所有细节问题: 影印/传真/电子邮件/装订 打字/翻译/口译 设计和印刷 拍摄(产品/肖像) 事件处理 快递/邮资安排 公司和签名印章 您的所有问题都[…]
Centre O 服务:有限公司
(图片) Center O 很乐意帮助您在香港开展业务,我们相信香港是世界上最适合创业的地方之一。低税率、简单明了的规定以及可感受到的国际氛围使其成为来自世界各地的创意头脑的无与伦比的目的地。 那么我们如何提供帮助呢? 我们建议我们的大多数客户设立有限责任公司[…]
Centre o is happy to help you set up a business in Hong Kong, which we believe to be one of the best places in the world for entrepreneurial undertakings. Low tax rate, simple and straightforward regulations and the immediately felt international vibe make it an unbeatable destinations for creative minds from around the world. …
Centre o at Your Service: Business Support Services
In addition to serviced offices, virtual offices and company incorporation, centre o offers extensive business support services to give you more time to focus on your company and taking over all the administrative hassled. Here’s how we can help: book keeping services accounting and auditing bank account opening business insurance package mandatory provident fund scheme …
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Centre O 为您服务:业务支持服务
(图片) 除了服务式办公室、虚拟办公室和公司注册,Center O 还提供广泛的业务支持服务,让您有更多时间专注于您的公司,并接管所有行政事务。以下是我们可以提供帮助的方法: 簿记服务 会计和审计 银行开户 商业保险套餐 强制性公积金计划 商标注册 业务迁移服[…]