Shared Office/ Co-Working Space: People Factor

shaking hands Co-working is not so much about office space, as it is about people. Working in isolation can not compare to an idea-charged environment and the buzz of entrepreneurial creativity. A shared environment is a great for net-working and the possibilities are endless:

–       You could meet a potential business partner, employee, investor, employer or consultant.

–       Coffee breaks get to be must more interesting and productive in the company of like-minded people.

–       Free consultations: you may have accountants, lawyers, translators and other skillful professionals in your midst.

–       A built-in support system, which is so ever-important for starting businessmen.  Your fellow co-sharers will be your inspiration in tough times.

–       Brain-storming sessions: you’ll have a chance to run your ideas by other entrepreneurs and get useful feedback.

And we all know one thing: in business it’s not about WHAT you know, but WHO you know.

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