China Corporate Tax: Resident and Non-Resident Enterprise

China Corporate Tax  In Hong Kong, it’s commonly named as Profit Tax. Whereas, taxable income for companies in China are named as Corporate Income Tax. Corporate Income Tax Law in China detailed Implementation Regulations on Taxpayer and Taxable Income.  China’s tax year starts from the first day in the calendar year and ends with the last day in …


中国税收神话 您是否听说过中国国家税务总局的收入属于中央政府?地方税务局的收入属于地方政府吗?实际上,税务局并不是分配税款的机构。 税收归中央政府所有: 100%的消费税/关税和印花税; 75%的增值税 60%的企业所得税和个人所得税 50%的增值税代替营业税[…]

Taxation Myth in China: Central & Regional Government Allocation

Taxation Myth in China Have you ever heard that in China the revenue from State Administration of Taxation belongs to the Central Government? And the income of Local Tax Bureau belongs to the Regional Government? In fact, the tax bureau is not the organisation to allocate the tax. Taxes go to the Central Government: 100% …


东莞市政府确认在疫情期间推出一项新的就业计划,以支持新的创业者。为新创业企业提供一次性的资金支持,使其获得新的就业机会。 您的公司有资格参加该计划吗? 在中国东莞市注册,三年内成立的公司 所有股东均为法定代表人 有哪些申请标准? 具有一年或以上劳动合同的新员工[…]

Why you need to tap into Asian Market through Hong Kong?

Absolute advantage of Hong Kong Hong Kong is the great gateway to access Asian market. Stepping in Hong Kong as a pedal is smart strategy for most international companies. Hong Kong has an unbeatable prime location in Asia and also has a good connection with the rest of the world. Besides the absolute advantage of …


香港的绝对优势 香港是进入亚洲市场的重要门户。对大多数国际公司来说,踏入香港是一个明智的策略。香港拥有亚洲无可匹敌的黄金地段,与世界其他地区也有良好的联系。香港除了拥有绝对的区位优势外,还拥有发达的基础设施、灵活的货物流通、简单直接的税制和友好的营商氛围。此外[…]

New Employment Scheme for Startup Entrepreneur in Dongguan, China

Dongguan Local Government confirmed to launch a New Employment Scheme to support the new startup entrepreneur during the Covid 19. The scheme is to provide a one-off financial support to the new startup company to have new employment. Is your Company Eligible for the Scheme? New established company, registered within 3 years in Dongguan, China …



What is Employees’ Compensation Insurance in Hong Kong?

Employees’ Compensation Insurance is one of the major business insurance in Hong Kong.  It is a statutory cover for employers and their employees. Its sustainability has wide and deep impact on the protection of the interests of employers and employees as well as the stability of the overall insurance market. What are the roles of …


雇员补偿保险是香港主要的商业保险之一。雇员补偿保险能够更全面更深入的保障雇员以雇主的权益,是雇员和雇主的法定保障。 保险中介机构的作用是? 保险中介机构十分重要,例如,保险中介能始终诚心开展保险业务,向客户解释最大诚信原则和充分披露的义务,向客户明确表示会对提[…]