– Your Guide To a Comfortable Flight

A few blogs before we talked about how to sleep better during flights.  This time we would like to share a great website that can help you plan your trip (and even your sleep) in extensive detail. Behold On the website you can: –       see seat maps –        find out about flight shipping and …


(图片) 在之前的一些博客中,我们讨论如何在飞行中睡得更好。这次我们想分享一个很棒的网站,可以帮助您详细地计划您的旅行(甚至您的睡眠)。 看。 在网站上,您可以: – 参见座椅图 – 了解航班运输和信息, – 获取座位建议, –[…]


The time of flying is coming. No, not the magical Quidditch flying (we wish!), but the flying we are all accustomed to. Whether this summer takes you traveling for business or pleasure, we all want to arrive at our destination well-rested and prepared. Unfortunately, relaxing and taking a nap on the plane does not come …


(图片) 飞翔的时代即将来临。不,不是神奇的魁地奇飞行(我们希望!),而是我们都习惯的飞行。 无论您今年夏天出差还是休闲旅行,我们都希望在到达目的地时充分休息并做好准备。 不幸的是,在飞机上放松和小睡对我们所有人来说都不容易。那么在空中睡着了怎么办呢?  重塑[…]

Need a Boost? Snack on Goji Berries! (health tip from Centre O)

We rarely appreciate what we have in abundance. A common snack in Asia – goji berries – are hailed as one of the healthiest supplements by doctors and nutritionists across the world. They increase vitality, help treat diabetes and high blood pressure, maintain eye health, liver and kidneys. They are abundant in vitamins C and …

I Am Interested in Studying in Hong Kong and Subsequently Getting an Employment Visa. Will a Prior Shoplifting Record Affect My Chances?

It is natural to be concerned about the possibility of your past affecting your new life. However, when it comes to Hong Kong Immigration Department, you should not be too worried about your past mistake. Of course, they care about security threats and risks that a person with a criminal record may pose to the …


是否担心你的过去影响你新生活。 对于香港入境事务处,你不必太担心你过去的错误。 他们在意有犯罪记录的人可能给社会带来的安全威胁和风险,但他们对大多数案件的反应似乎相当宽容。 此外,除非移民局特别要求,否则在您的签证申请(无论是学生、就业、投资或居留权)的任何时[…]

Wining and Dining Your Clients? Better Follow the Rules!

We al like to make a good impression. Especially when it comes business dinners. Wining and dining our clients, partners, friends and family, is deeply enrooted into our culture, so why not learn a few simple etiquette tricks to make the experience complete? So here a re a few tips for your dining out: Dress …


(图片) 我们都喜欢给人留下好印象。尤其是在商务晚宴上。 为我们的客户、合作伙伴、朋友和家人提供餐饮,深深植根于我们的文化中,那么为什么不学习一些简单的礼仪技巧来使体验变得完整呢? 所以这里有一些外出就餐的提示: 穿着漂亮 的确,我们现在比十年前更具因果关系。[…]