Co working Summer Special: Your best work happens here!

The summer is the PERFECT time to try out our co working area and you get time to catch up on work, deadlines, and host meetings!

When it comes to co working, we want to make sure that it’s as good for your business as possible. So we are always looking for ways to make it a better deal.

Summer are for relaxing and exploring, but this doesn’t mean that work comes to a halt, especially not if you’re a freelancer or an entrepreneur.

With this in mind, we are excited to announce our Co working Summer Special.
As of August 1st, all new full time memberships will be HK$3000 until 30th of September!

What’s better than spending a holiday season with friends, and cool coworkers? Knowing that you are taking care of business so that you can enjoy the season! Centre O Connect has got your back. We want you to be super-mega-ultra productive this Summer.

We love seeing new faces and getting new energy in the space and all of the momentum and possibility that brings so we will help you get there.

Let us know if this is something you’d love to be a part of!ss

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