Family Comes First Or How to Get Your Loved-Ones to Hong Kong?


Who can you invite to Hong Kong as your dependents?

If you hold the Right of Abode or unconditional stay – you can bring to Hong Kong:

–       your legal spouse

–       unmarried dependent children under the age of 18

–       and your parents who are 60 or older

If you hold any other visa (employment/investment/training/capital investment/student/etc) you can bring to Hong Kong:

–       your legal spouse

–       and dependent children under 18

Approvability Test

Basically, you will have to demonstrate that you can provide for your dependents and put a roof over their heads and convince the immigration officer that your relationship is true and valid.

Officially, it sounds like this

  • There is reasonable proof of a genuine relationship between the applicant

and the sponsor

  • There is no known record to the detriment of the applicant; and
  • The sponsor is able to support the defendant’s living at a standard well above the subsistence level and provide him/her with suitable accommodation in the HKSAR.

 What will you need to pass the approvability test?

You will have to establish the legality of family connections (birth and marriage certificates), show at least a modest bank statement and copies of your tenancy agreement.

Applications of this nature tend to be purely administrative and everything should go through without a fuss.

Potential pitfalls: if your certificates are not in English or Chinese. Then you will require official translations from the Consulate of the issuing country.

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