
A 2013 study by Gallup discovered 70 percent of the workforce is disengaged on the job. This brings the problem of disengagement to the top of employers’ “to solve” list.

But how to battle this problem? There is actually a low-cost and highly effective solution – transparency.

1.     Make transparency a priority from the top down.
Make company’s values, decision-making and challenges clear throughout the company. Be open about what is needed and what should be avoided. Seek and share feedback on the performance of both your managers and their direct reports. Openly communicating about the strengths and weaknesses on all levels of your team will ensure that everyone is performing to the best of their ability.

2.     Use different strategies to engage different types of employees.
It is important to ensure that your employees receive the information in a way that they are able to appreciate and engage with. No two people are the same and it goes for your team-mates as well: some use email, others prefer face to face meetings, others yet do not mind gong through reports. This is a little step for you, but a big change in transparency for your team.

3.     Stop office gossip before it spreads.
The clearer and ore open the culture – the fewer reasons there are for gossip. If people know what’s going on, it simply becomes pointless. Make sure your managers have an “open door” policy, allowing employees to stop by and ask questions directly from the source.

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