Is There a Minimum Number of Days You Need to be in Hong Kong in Order to Maintain Your Investment Visa Status?


Actually – no.

As part of an application for an investment visa you will need to go through a series of processes of proving that you can make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong. At the time of application you will not be required to disclose how much time you will be spending inside or outside HK.

So if you get approved, and then spend the majority of your time outside of Hong Kong – it should not be an issue for getting an extension of your visa twelve months later, provided, there is a good business reason for you to be away from HK and you can still  demonstrate that you indeed are making a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong.

As with most Hong Kong visas, you need to demonstrate that you have a genuine NEED for the visa. And the time question will only present itself at the seven year mark, when you present your application for your permanent residency.

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