OFFICE PLANTS PART I: Obvious and Hidden Benefits

Your office can benefit from green companions. And no, we do not mean aliens)


We mean plants. The positive effects of having them in your office have been discussed numerous times and now we actually have proof, thanks to the study, conducted by Virginia Lohr and her colleagues at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Washington State University. According to the study, having office greenery in a windowless office can not only liven up your working area but also have a positive impact on your:

–       blood pressure

–       emotions

–       productivity

–       attention span

–       and stress level

Read the full report here.

So, we agree that office plants are a good idea. But which ones to choose and what to consider when selecting a green friend? Stay tuned for Part Two of our Blog where we will introduce you to our top picks!


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