
其次,生产力。正如大多数人认为的那样,它不是时间的度量,而是产出的度量。简单来说,如果汤姆(Tom)因为一直在 YouTube 上看搞笑视频而效率低下,那么当媒体被屏蔽时,他成为工作狂的可能性很小。或许,他只会另辟蹊径,自娱自乐。
关于生产力的另一件事。想想您的员工在家里查看工作电子邮件、回复与工作相关的 Skype 消息或迟到的国际电话花费了多少时间?那么拒绝他们在工作中可能会错过的任何形式的个人交流真的公平吗?


不眨眼是计算机引起的眼睛疲劳的原因之一,因为它会使您的眼睛变干并导致发痒。每隔一小时,让自己停止盯着屏幕并眨眼 20 次。

Merry Christmas!

Merry-christmas-messagesWe wish all our friends a very Merry Christmas!  Let it be a day of joy, tasty treats, laughter, friends and family! Let it feel your hearts with love, kindness and warmth, your minds with fresh ideas and exciting plans and  your future with promoting opportunities!

As for us, we will always be here to help you out at any time you might need us.

Merry Christmas!





No matter which corner of the world this year finds you in, we are all living a more and more international life. Our projects may take us to different cities, countries or even continents in a matter of hours. However, it takes more than a plane ticket to get a foot in a foreign market. And speaking the language is often a formidable advantage to making it big.

So what are the top business languages of today (and hopefully the future)?

Here’s our take on it:

5. Portuguese

Brazil’s influence on the global economic arena has been growing in the past years. It also helps that the country boasts a population of over 200 million. Portuguese is also spoken on Portugal (naturally),  Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, São Tomé and Príncipe, East Timor, Macau and a number of communities in Spain, France and Luxembourg.

4. Russian

Despite a number of economic and political issues, Russia is a strong international player. Moscow holds the first place in the worlds when it comes to the number of billionaires and the country is rich in natural resources, which offers great opportunities for investment.

The language is very different from English and not easy to learn. But that’s a good thing! The fewer people speak it, the more in demand you’ll be after mastering it.

3. Spanish

The US alone has over 35 million Spanish speakers and there are over 425 million Spanish speakers worldwide. It is considered relatively easy for English speakers and you will not have problems finding materials or a tutor in any corner  of the world.

2. Arabic

Arabic is the primary language of some of the world’s up-and-coming nations, wealth centers, and frontier markets.

Areas like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have become the world’s emerging financial centres but wealthy Middle Easterners will also look to diversify their wealth outside of the region, creating opportunities for those who speak their language to tap into lucrative business deals

1. Chinese

China presents a seemingly endless source of business opportunities in today’s economy. And to add to that, Mandarin (the official language of Chinese mainland) is spoken by over 1.3 billion people. True, a great number of Chinese citizens are going to great lengths to improve their English, but currently barely ten million of Chinese speak good English.




5. 葡萄牙语
过去几年,巴西对全球经济领域的影响力一直在增长。它还有助于该国拥有超过 2 亿的人口。葡萄牙(自然地)、安哥拉、佛得角、几内亚比绍、赤道几内亚、莫桑比克、圣多美和普林西比、东帝汶、澳门以及西班牙、法国和卢森堡的一些社区也使用葡萄牙语。
4. 俄语
3. 西班牙语
仅美国就有超过 3500 万讲西班牙语的人,全球有超过 4.25 亿讲西班牙语的人。对于说英语的人来说,这被认为相对容易,而且您在世界任何角落寻找材料或导师都不会有问题。
2. 阿拉伯语
1. 中文
在当今的经济中,中国提供了看似无穷无尽的商机。此外,超过 13 亿人使用普通话(中国大陆的官方语言)。诚然,很多中国公民都在不遗余力地提高他们的英语水平,但目前只有一千万中国人说一口流利的英语。



What Does Your Desk Say About You? Part II


Here are a few easy things to look for, along with what they reveal about personality:

1.    An organized desk says… you’re reliable and punctual

It should cone as no surprise that people with organized desks tend to be those who are good at planning and getting things done on time.

“When I go into a space, I look for a calendar first,” Gosling says, since an up-to-date, used desk calendar is another sign of a conscientious person.

2.    Unusual objects say… you’re creative and open to new experiences. 

People with original art or a diverse array of objects tend to be willing to embrace new ideas or experiences and are often creative.

“If you go in and think, wow, I’ve never seen that before, they’re likely high in openness,” Gosling says.

3. Inspirational posters and messages say… you’re neurotic.

Those who surround themselves with inspirational statements are usually the classic Type A personality.

“Inspirational statements help calm anxiety and keep together emotionally” – Golsing says.

4. An inviting space says… you’re extroverted.

People whose spaces/offices seem to be exceptionally inviting (open doors, comfortable chairs, candy jars and so on) tend to be very sociable. Sociability can pave the way for promotions and new opportunities, so introverts may help their careers by adding a few inviting touches. “People can learn to exercise that side,” Gosling says. “But it’ll never be pleasant like it is for someone who is biologically this way. It’s not intrinsic.”



What Does Your Desk Say About You? Part I


We live in a world where everybody encourages us to focus on the work at hand and more than often we tend to ignore the seemingly unimportant details. But in fact, they may be able to send out a message about us, leaving us unaware of the impressions we make.

So what do our desk say about us? Or, of you are a boss or manager, what additional information can you learn about your employees that may help you motivate them better and built a more productive relationship?

According to Sam Gosling, a psychologist and professor at the University of Texas at Austin and author or Snoop: What Does Your Stuff Says About You (Basic Books, 2009) says: “People want to be known. You’re healthier, happier and more productive when others see you as who you are”.

“Take a look at your colleague’s/employee’s desk. What does the space look like?  What personal objects are there? It’s really important to look for themes. Focus on the objects that are consistent and permanent” – Gosling stresses.

Intrigued? Stay tuned for Part Two of our Desk Blog to learn more about your co-workers and may be yourself))


1.    一张井井有条的办公桌说……你可靠而且准时
2.    不寻常的物品说……你很有创意,对新体验持开放态度。 
3. 励志海报和信息说……你神经质。
那些用鼓舞人心的语句包围自己的人通常是典型的 A 型人格。
“鼓舞人心的陈述有助于平息焦虑并在情感上保持一致” – 高斯林(Golsing )说。
4 . 一个诱人的空间说……你很外向。 