Startup Heroes or Six People You’ll Want to Have on Your Startup Team

Bernd Schoner, the author of the upcoming book “The Tech Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide” is sure that there are several types of people every startup needs to succeed.

Schoner. He is author of the upcoming book: ‘The Tech Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide.”

Here is the recipe for his dream lineup:

No. 1: The prima donna genius

Every company (tech or not) needs a guy who has the professional knowledge to get the job done and be the generator of innovation.

No. 2: The leader

Typically the CEO, the person calling the shots. Delegating tasks is not an easy job, but a job that needs to be done. Having someone in the lead even at the early startup stages can help avoid confusion and get the whole team focused.

No. 3: Industry veteran

Schoner says this person is often missing in younger startup teams, but he stresses the importance of having someone on staff who has been around the block.

No. 4: The sales animal

This would be the person who knows how to sell your superior product to the customers. Missing a sales expert on board can be a big disadvantage, as when you are trying to have someone pay money, it’s not about the technology, but the value you provide to the customer.

No. 5: The superstar

This is the person who can rally people around the company. He can be the genius or the CEO or a the youngest on the team. Bu he will be the guy you’ll want to send to conferences and industry meetings..

No. 6: The financial guru

Having the financial personality is important. You want someone who has enough ability to handle numbers. It can be an existing member of your team if you don’t have enough resources for a full-time financial administrator. But you would want to get one eventually.

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