On 28 June the Belt and Road Summit will be held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This event is being held to discuss the opportunities and challenges the Belt and Road Initiative creates, and how best to face them.

What is the Belt and Road Initiative?

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an effort by the Chinese government to promote infrastructure development and trade in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Railroads, roads, and shipping lines will be created through the investment of over 1 trillion yuan in essentially any country that wants it. 

Admission and Attendance

Admission is between 2600 and 640 HKD, depending on the duration of your attendance. Who can register is not moderated on the website in any way, but the conference does have suggestions on who should go: business leaders, investors, government officials, etc. Flight and hotel offers are available for participants. Speakers will present in English, but simultaneous translation to Putonghua is available.


The Belt and Road Summit Programme boasts 40+ international speakers from the fields of government, finance, and business, including the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, Carrie Lam. Topics covered include how best to reduce risk when financing, the digital Belt and Road, and Chinese trends and opportunities. Also featured are talks about environmentally-conscious, young, and female entrepreneurship opportunities within the Belt and Road Initiative.

Networking Events

Another major highlight of the event is the opportunity to network. Beginning after opening ceremonies, open forums divided by subject are available for participants to network all day. If you don’t want to miss any breakout sessions, time is set aside at the beginning of the day and during coffee breaks for networking. One-to-one specialized business matching to bring investors, project managers, and service providers together will also be offered based upon area of business: transportation infrastructure, energy, and rural/urban development. The next day a trip to Shenzhen to major Belt and Road companies in China is planned, providing an opportunity to network with Pearl River Delta government officials and learn about how the Belt and Road Initiative is being actively put into practice.

For businesses in the right region and fields, the Belt and Road initiative is an incredible opportunity, and this Summit is the best place to learn how to take advantage of it and to develop the contacts required to utilize it to its fullest.

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