The Periodic Table of Content Marketing

The_Periodic_Table_of_Content_MarketingI have never been good at chemistry and having chosen a career in marketing I was hoping to never deal with it again.

However, this graphic has shown me that chemistry can well be applied in a variety of business areas and actually make things clearer, rather than confusing.

Below is a creatively presented overview of the key elements of content marketing, as well as a few tips on setting up a marketing strategy.

Here are the seven tips:

  1. Take some time to define a strategy
  2. Figure out the formats you plan on using
  3. Think about the content types that will appeal to your audience. Do your research. Brainstorm. Create.
  4. Share your content across the key content distribution/social platforms
  5. Take the key metrics and map these to your goals.
  6. Be aware of the main sharing triggers. Be sure to work the emotions.
  7. Always double check your work.

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