busy morning

We are always strapped for time. I mean think about it: how often during the day you say  “I’m sorry, I am busy”, “Got to run”, “crazy day today” and so on.

But I have recently discovered a wonderful untapped resource of perfect working time – early mornings!

“Pfff, that’s not news” you might say and you will be right. After all, the early bird saying has been there for generations and I have been waking up early for the most part of my life.

But I think I was waking up for the wrong reason. I used my morning time for exercise, catching up on news, making breakfast and getting ready for work. But it never occurred to me that what I should be doing is actually WORKING.

My new routine does wonders for productivity. I wake up at 5.30 (which is not so hard in summer time) and get straight to work over a cup of coffee. However, I do not check my email or social media. I focus on what I do best in the morning, when my creativity is at its peak. I do some writing, plan upcoming projects or go through my previous work.  That gives me two wonderful peaceful hours of complete focus and concentration until the day starts for my family and office. And I still have the time to top off my super-productive morning with a relaxing swim.

And what do you do best in the mornings?

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