Employees leaving

Loosing great colleagues and employees is awful and there is barely anything good about the experience.

But no matter how unpleasant experiences may be, we are as always, encouraged to take something positive away from it.

In this particular case, an article on Mashable.com suggested we use this opportunity to ask our soon to be ex-employees some direct question on job satisfaction and company environment. And since they are one foot out the door, we may get the honest answers we are searching for.

How did the job match your expectations?

This is not about titles, salary and bonuses, but rather regards the day-to-day work and whether it turned out to be in line with the job description presented at the interview.

Result: precise job descriptions and subsequently better hires.

Did you feel that the work you were doing aligned with your personal goals and interests?

Goal-setting is personal, of course. But employees who feel that their jobs are in line or at least not in juxtaposition with their personal goals, will definitely be happier at work.

Result: better understanding on the personalities that the job in question would suit.

Did you have the tools and resources you needed to effectively do your job?

Lowering costs is an ever-important process for every business.  However, there is no moving forward without the right systems and equipment in place. So why not learn what you may be missing?

Result: an extensive base of specific resources, that may attract more professionals in the field.

 Would you recommend this as a great place for a friend to work?

This question can be a genuine request for a recommendation, if you think someone if your ex-employee’s circle could be a good addition to the company.

Alternatively, it can help you find out the selling points of the position for future hires.

Result: a potential new employee and a better knowledge of the benefits that come with the position.

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