Sitting on his desk in front of PC

There have been plenty of articles on the topic of “how to choose the best picture for Linkedin” and yet mist of us still choose not to give it the needed attention.

A recent experiment caught my eye, when a company CEO, unable to choose what picture would work the best for him,

Started changing his profile pic regularly for several months and measuring the results (by contact requests, messages and page visits). He finally did find the perfect picture he was looking for, but what was surprising is hoe much of a difference these pictures actually made.

Here are a few interesting tips:

–       the toughest thing is combining the professional with the personal. The picture should represent your company and yet is a picture of you as an individual.

–       Look alive: the worst thing you can do is look tired and worn out in your profile picture. So if you are doing a professional shot, make sure you sleep well, have a good breakfast and channel that positive energy through the camera!

–       Be genuine: when taking a picture, think about something that really excites you about your job. A recent success, a favourite client, an upcoming deal…Whatever it is for you, it will shoe in your eyes, giving them that natural spark of energy and enthusiasm.

–       Don’t get big: a headshot is perhaps the most popular choice for Linkedin pictures. However, avoid doing extreme close-ups, which make your face the ONLY thing in the frame. These pictures may come across as arrogant.

–       Don’t hide: no matter how shy you are about your looks, replacing your face with a silhouette, cartoon character, slogan or logo is not the way to go. No one would trust Bug Bunny with their business, especially online. Showing your face is a big trust factor.

 There are definitely a lot more things to take into account. But the truth is, a different approach would work depending on your industry, Linkedin goal, profession and job title. So why not try a small experiment of your own?

And if you are looking for a professional photo-shot session, do not hesitate to contact us at sales@centreo.hk!


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