Who Let the Dogs Out? Is there scientific evidence that dogs make the office better?

In 2010 a study by Central Michigan University wanted to test the large amounts of anecdotal evidence saying that dogs in workplaces had positive effects on workers. So Christopher Honts and Matthew Christensen developed an experiment that explored the effects of dogs on cooperation between colleagues. The participants were divided into two teams. Each team was …

How to Avoid Foot Discomfort at the Office While Looking Gorgeous (tips by Katy Bowman)

Katy Bowman, biomechanical scientist and the author of Every Woman’s Guide to Foot Pain Relief, offers easy and highly helpful advice for healthy office footwear. We felt it would be a crime not to share with our dear readers. Five footwear tips from Katy Bowman: 1. Avoid a pointy, super-narrow toe-box. The less space for …


我很高兴与斯蒂芬巴恩斯(Stephen Barnes)聊天。作为一名受过培训的律师,Stephen 早年获得了成为香港移民专家的机会,并从事了20多年的工作。他意识到许多人因缺乏移民和签证信息以及互联网的成本效益而苦苦挣扎,然后制作了香港手册和在线视频,以便公[…]


(图片) 2010 年,中央密歇根大学的一项研究想要检验大量轶事证据,这些证据表明工作场所的狗对工人有积极影响。因此,克里斯托弗·洪茨(Christopher Honts)和马修·克里斯滕森( Matthew Christensen)开发了一项实验,探索狗对同[…]


(图片) 1 月 13 日至 16 日,香港第 12 家世界精品店将汇聚设计品牌、时尚生活用品和配饰。 香港贸促会世界精品店是一个致力于促进世界各地设计师的收藏和品牌标签的时尚盛会。这是一个时尚活动,致力于促进设计师的收集和品牌标签来自世界各地。去年有559个[…]


(图片) 问题:  “就细菌而言,桌子比马桶脏 400 倍,”亚利桑那大学微生物学家 Charles Gerba 博士告诉 WebMD(纳斯达克股票代码:  WBMD  – 新闻)。“人们把办公桌变成了细菌自助餐厅,因为他们在那里吃饭,但他们从不打扫。手机最脏[…]