Stephen Barnes, Visa Geeza

I had the pleasure of having a chat with Stephen Barnes. A lawyer by training, Stephen was given the opportunity in his early years to become a specialist in Hong Kong immigration and has been doing it for over 20 years. Realising many people struggle with lack of information on immigration and visas, as well as the how cost effective the internet can be, he created the Hong Kong handbook and online videos, so that information he had was easily accessible to the public. His transparency and unconditional expertise help (I think) is what has lead to his positive image and reliability.

What I have gathered is, Stephen is a modern businessman. He understands, and has put in play, that building relationships and goodwill will, create value in the long term. Not only, does he realise the world around him is changing and evolving, but adapting to those changes with transparency, is what I think has led to his ongoing success.

For all you entrepreneurs out there in Hong Kong, this is for you, I asked!:

What advice would you give on being a successful business person in Hong Kong?

Stephen replied: deliver value unconditionally, use the internet in a smart way, protect your reputation at all costs.

To get some DIY visa help, to find out more or contact Stephen visit:

***Don’t forget Stephen is in this Thursday for a Hong Kong Permanent Residency Application Workshop, RSVP here****

profilepicture-by Cathy

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