使您的业务在 FACEBOOK 上活跃起来的秘诀

(图片)您是否觉得您的 Facebook 页面被忽视了,或者几乎没有互动? 当您发布更新和图片时,您是否考虑过客户可能会感兴趣的内容?你将如何与他们沟通?您希望他们对您的业务有什么看法? 这里有一些提示,可以帮助您的公司获得更多的赞、评论、分享,并希望生意兴隆[…]

Best Juices to Start Your Day (that are probably not on your list)

We have all read about the benefits of starting a day with a glass of freshly squeezed juice. And quite a few of us have actually adopted this healthy habit. But if you are like me, you may wonder which type of juice is particularly fit for the morning or how to alter what you …


我们都读过喝一杯鲜榨果汁开始新一天的好处。很多人实际上已经养成了这种健康的习惯。 但如果你像我一样,你可能想知道哪种果汁特别适合早上喝,或者如何根据你计划的一天改变你喝的东西。又或者,如果您只是对尝试新事物感兴趣) 计划一个活跃的运动日?来一杯甜菜汁! (图片[…]

Book Recommendation: “Pitch Anything” by Oren Klaff

“Pitch Anything teaches you how to create, maintain and hold the attention of your listeners” The full name of the book is: “Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading and Winning the Deal” by Oren Klaff. The names seems to be rather self-explanatory, as Pitch Anything offers a new method of “selling your idea” …

If Thoughts Can Materialize Then This Definitely Couldn’t Hurt!

1. Relax, close your eyes and take a deep breath. 2. Think of what you want. Imagine all the details and create a movie in your had about what getting it would look like. 3. Keep “playing” it over and over in your head, adding even more details. Hear the sounds, the breath of air …


(图片) 1. 放松,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。 2.想想你想要什么。想象一下所有的细节,在你的脑海里创造一部电影,告诉你得到它会是什么样子。 3. 不断在脑海中反复“播放”,添加更多细节。听到声音,呼吸皮肤上的空气,甚至感受气味。尽可能让它真实。 4. 每天坚持 1[…]