继首轮「抗疫基金」后,政府自 2020 年 2 月起推出就业支援计划(ESS)。 就业支援计划正在向雇主提供限时的工资补贴财政支持,以留住雇员,避免裁员。 工资补贴及计算 在大多数情况下,政府会向符合条件的雇主提供为期 6 个月的工资补贴。补贴将分两批发放,第[…]
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首次工资补贴将于 5 月 25 日起接受申请
政府较早前宣布推出就业支援计划(ESS)。计划斥资 810 亿港元,为雇主提供限时财政支援,并提供工资补贴,以留住员工,保持香港的实力。行政长官林郑月娥5月12日宣布,从5月25日起,第一批就业服务计划接收申请。 经过深入调研,与利益相关者讨论,并听取了不同部[…]
First tranche of wage subsidy will receive Application from 25th May
The Government announced earlier the launch of the Employment Support Scheme (ESS). Planned to spend $81 billion to provide time-limited financial support to employers with wage subsidy to retain their employees. Hence maintaining the strength for Hong Kong. The Chief Executive, Mrs. Carrie Lam, announced on 12th May the first tranche of the ESS will receive …
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Hong Kong Limited Company Maintain and Upkeep
Without a doubt, maintain and upkeep for a Limited Company in Hong Kong is as critical as the initial setting up. Basically, any Hong Kong Limited Company has to liaison with two government departments at least ones per year. Firstly the Hong Kong Limited Company must liaise with the Company Registry Department We need to update …
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香港公司的维护和保养与初始设立一样重要。任何香港公司每年至少要与两个政府部门联络。 首先,香港公司必须与公司注册处联系 我们需要更新公司结构,即使没有变化,您的公司也必须提交周年申报表。 公司必须维持公司秘书服务,聘请专业公司秘书代表您的公司与公司注册处联系。[…]
Deregistration and Restoration Q & A
1/ Can any company registered in Hong Kong apply for deregistration under the new Company Ordinance (Cap.622) (“the new CO”) at the Company Registry? No. Only if it is a private company and a company limited by guarantee may apply for deregistration under Division 2 of Part 15 of the new CO. 2/ Are …
1. 在香港注册的公司是否可以根据新《公司条例》(第 622 章)(“新公司条例”)在公司注册处申请撤销注册? 不可以。只有私人公司及担保有限公司才可根据新条例第 15 部第 2 分部申请撤销注册。 2.根据新《公司条例》申请撤销注册的条件和要求是否有任何[…]
Options of closing business in Hong Kong- Winding-Up or Deregistration
The overall process of closing a business in Hong Kong usually takes some months before complete. The costs of the process depend on the options of closing of the business: Winding-Up or Deregistration. So it is better to think carefully about it and consider accordingly. Even though both the processes lead to the closing of the business …
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2020-2021 年商业登记费
香港财政司司长在 2020-2021 年预算案中建议宽免一年商业登记费。 根据该建议,就有效期在2020 年 4 月 1 日或之后到在 2021 年 4 月 1 日之前开始的商业登记及分行登记证须缴付的费用将分别宽减 2,000 港元和 73 港元。税务局根据[…]
在香港关闭业务的选项 – 清盘或注销
在香港关闭业务的整个过程通常需要几个月的时间才能完成。该过程的成本取决于关闭业务的选项:清盘或注销。所以最好仔细考虑并慎重作出决定。尽管这两个过程都导致业务关闭和公司解散。但它们所采用的方法却截然不同。 清盘和注销之间有什么区别? 在解释取消注册程序之前,了解[…]