(图片) UBER,每个人的私人司机,几周前才在深圳推出。大家都在讨论让Josephine 渴望去尝试。 UBER 是一款可下载的应用程序,正如人们所说,它可以让您以时尚的方式旅行。您只要做的就是按下按钮,指示您要去哪里,等待 5 到 7 分钟,然后会看到一辆[…]

I Am Planning To Apply For An Employment Visa in Hong Kong. Is There A Minimum Salary Requirement?

The HKImmD expects a foreigner, seeking an employment visa in Hong Kong to perform, at minimum, supervisory duties. This calls for an employment that is valued at HKD 200,000 annually. However, don’t take 200,000, divide it by 12 and aim for a monthly salary of HKD 16, 670. No, the HKD 200, 000 amounts to …

I Am Applying For The Right of Abode in Hong Kong With No Professional Help. What Documents Should I Provide?

    Below is the general list of the documents you will require: 1)  A copy of your resume 2)  A full copy of all passports held during the previous seven year period 3)  Copies of salaries tax returns for the last seven years 4)  Copy of residential tenancy agreements (for renters) or land registry …

I Am Applying For The Right of Abode in Hong Kong With No Professional Help. What Documents Should I Provide?

Below is the general list of the documents you will require: 1)  A copy of your resume 2)  A full copy of all passports held during the previous seven year period 3)  Copies of salaries tax returns for the last seven years 4)  Copy of residential tenancy agreements (for renters) or land registry record of …

I Am Planning To Apply For An Employment Visa in Hong Kong. Is There A Minimum Salary Requirement?

  The HKImmD expects a foreigner, seeking an employment visa in Hong Kong to perform, at minimum, supervisory duties. This calls for an employment that is valued at HKD 200,000 annually. However, don’t take 200,000, divide it by 12 and aim for a monthly salary of HKD 16, 670. No, the HKD 200, 000 amounts …

Do I Need a Formal Business Plan To Support My Investment Visa Application?

Applying for an investment visa can be quite nerve-wrecking. Naturally, you would want to do anything in your power to convince the HKIMMD that your business would benefit the economy of Hong Kong. However, burning the midnight oil to compose “the ideal business plan” may….not be necessary at all. Stephen Barnes points out: “Certainly, every …