down the Rabbithole


When expecting to just find out about their coffee establishment, I ended up going to Rabbithole Coffee and Roaster  and getting a mind-blowing coffee experience I have never received before! Greeted with a warm welcome from the staff, the café gives off a laid back and relaxing atmosphere. I could see myself coming down after work just to sit back and relax to a nice cup of coffee.

I have always been a coffee lover, let me rephrase, a coffee drink lover (would better define me), but who knew there was so much love, science and technicality behind one cup? Connie (staff member) showed me the path down the rabbit hole on a journey of coffee knowledge. It was an information overload, more than I could grasp, and I was loving every second of it!

On a fortnightly basis the café receives fresh fair trade coffee beans, 3-6 varieties all coming from difference regions, to meet the acquired taste of coffee lovers. Here are the basics that I gathered, Coffee can have high to low acidity which gives off the citrus flavour. The temperature of the milk and coffee has to be just right to give you the balanced smooth taste.

behind the scenes of Rabbit Hole

behind the scenes of Rabbithole Coffee and Roaster

Coffee cherry is the original coffee, which has a tea like taste.

a tint of coffee, but more of a citrus and tea taste. Don’t be fooled, its original coffee so its high in caffeine!

a tint of coffee, but more of a citrus and tea taste. Don’t be fooled, its original coffee so its high in caffeine!

Next stop was hand drip coffee, which is high in caffeine than the normal espresso, yet the taste is lighter.

as the coffee cools down, the taste changes and becomes more acidic, ‘citrusy’

as the coffee cools down, the taste changes and becomes more acidic, ‘citrusy’

They also have an ice drip that takes 10 hours!

generally the longer extraction time the higher it is in caffeine

generally the longer extraction time the higher it is in caffeine

Through this session I learnt a lot about coffee and the Rabbithole family, the staff have a passion for coffee and customer service to them is key. Open to sharing their coffee culture and serving up only the finest of coffees to all, the Rabbithole Coffee and Roaster is a cozy coffee café off the beaten track.

profilepicture-by Cathy

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