如您当了 7 年的律师,想尝试申请成为公证人,您首先需要向公证人协会陈述您的案例,当你收到信件说您通过考查的时候,就是您申请索取不反对信流程的开始。
前往律师名册获取您的站立证书(另外需要 3000 港元),然后前往高等法院司法常务官获取您的司法常务官证书(125 港元)。
包括您的支持信和另外 3000 港元的费用,以及一份声明 ,说明您无论是在香港或国外,从未被停职或被指控“涉及欺诈、不诚实或道德败坏的罪行”的法定声明。
一旦您准备好所有这些文件,请使用此宣誓书表格 来编译您刚刚包含的所有信息。将所有这些文件和正式申请一起发送到申请中列出的地址,最后您拥有申请所需的所有文件了,还剩一步。
这一步虽然简单,但代价高昂。收到不反对信后,只需使用此 表格申请会员资格,并附上50000元港币,如果您计划在 2018 年练习,还有59000元港币。
最后,您已准备好提交申请。提交此 表格,如果您的申请被接受(并且审阅者被授予某些主观因素),您将被正式任命为公证人。
在此之前,恭喜你!不过,不要开始实践,您仍然需要您的执业证书。Centre O 将在稍后介绍。
You’ve passed your test, been 7 years a solicitor, and gotten your letter? Now it’s time to begin the application process by requesting your Letter of No Objection. No, you can’t just apply to become a Notary Public. First, you have to state your case to the Society of Notaries that you’re fit to even try.
The Letter of No Objection
First, you need proof of all your hard work.
Go to the Roll of Solicitors for your Certificate of Standing (that’ll be another HK$3000), and the Registrar of the High Court for your Registrar’s Certificate (a cool HK$125).
Include your Letter of Support and another HK$3000 fee, as well as a Statutory Declaration stating that you have never been suspended from working as a solicitor nor have you ever been charged with “an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude”, either in Hong Kong or abroad.
Once you have all those documents ready to go, use this affidavit form to compile all the information you’ve just included. Send all those documents and along with the Formal Application to the address listed in the application, and, finally, you have all the documents you need to apply. There’s one more step.
The Society of Notaries
While straightforward, this step is a costly one. Simply use this form to apply for membership once you’ve gotten your Letter of No Objection… and enclose HK$50000, HK$59000 if you’re planning to practice in 2018.
The Application
At last, you’re ready to submit your application. Submit this form, and if your application is accepted (and there is some element of subjectivity that the reviewer is granted) you are officially appointed as a Notary Public.
Don’t start your practice, though. You still need your practicing certificate. Centre O will cover that at a later date. Until then, congratulations!
在参加考试之前,您首先必须申请参加考试。任何人都可以申请,唯一的要求是你知道仅仅通过考试是不够的。这很好,尤其是申请费是 2000 港元。不可退还,并且必须采用“经公证人协会理事会批准”的确切格式。所需表格可在其网站第 8 页的考试指南中找到。
考试本身也不容易。教学大纲规定主题是汇票和公证实践。它可在线获取(考试指南第 9 页),但可以免费索取。(他们确实提供一堂课。它是21,000港元,下一堂课的日期是“十月到三月”。)您也可以在“支付费用”后向The Scriveners Company索取过去的试卷。
参加考试的费用为 10,000 港币,按照第 10 页的格式支付。当然不可退还。但是,如果你失败了,你可以再次接受(并支付他们的费用)。
我希望你们关系很好。下一个要求是获得 30 名在香港工作的专业人士的签名,证明您有资格成为公证人。其中 15 个签名必须来自“信誉良好的人”,即与您相识已久(询问年数)并且在公证人协会看来做得足够好的工作的任何人。接下来的 10 名必须是活跃的律师、大律师或公证人。最后 5 名必须是司法人员,或者是 [附表 1]中“第 92 章 – 司法人员”底部的司法人员名单的持有人。但是,如果您认识 5 个验尸官,那么您就大功告成了。
Before submitting your applications, there are several requirements an aspiring notary must complete.
The Legal Requirement
To most small businessmen and women tempted by eye-watering fees, this requirement is the most exclusionary. In order to even be eligible to submit an application, you must fulfill two requirements. First, you must have an aggregate total of seven years of experience working as a solicitor in Hong Kong, confirmed by the Roll of Solicitors and the Registrar of the High Court. Second, you must have been continuously listed on the Roll of Solicitors for the seven years leading up to the date of application. If you were ever suspended from working as a solicitor, here or abroad, you’re ineligible, as well.
The Exam
Before being able to even take the exam, you first have to apply to take it. Anyone can apply, the only requirement is that you know that just passing the exam isn’t enough. This is good, especially since just the application fee is HK$2000. Nonrefundable, and it must be in the exact format “approved by the Council of the Society of Notaries.” The required form can be found on the exam guidelines from their website on page 8.
The exam itself isn’t easy either. The syllabus states the subjects are the Bills of Exchange and Notarial Practices. It is available online (page 9 of the exam guidelines), but can be requested free of charge. (They do offer a class. It is HK$21,000, and the date for the next one is “October to March.”) You can also request past examination question papers from The Scriveners Company, after “payment of their fee.”
If the difficulty wasn’t enough, they only come every few years, and the Society of Notaries have no mandate to schedule exams. May 2015 was the most recent examination, the next is in 2019.
The fee to take the exam is HK$10,000, paid in the format found on page 10. Nonrefundable, of course. But, if you fail, you’re free to take it (and pay their fee) again.
The Letter of Support
I hope you’re well connected. The next requirement is obtaining signatures from 30 professionals working in Hong Kong, certifying that you’re worthy of becoming a notary. 15 of the signatures must be from “persons of good standing,” anyone who has known you a long time (it asks the number of years) and is doing a job that looks good enough to the Society of Notaries. The next 10 must be either active solicitors, barristers, or notaries public. The final 5 must be Judicial Officers, or holders of a list of judicial offices found at the bottom of “Cap 92 – Judicial Officers” in [Schedule 1]. If you know 5 coroners, though, you’re all set.
Once you’ve completed all these requirements, you’re finally ready to apply. Don’t relax though, it’s an arduous process in itself. Our next blog will cover it in detail, stay tuned to our blog.
If you own a small business, you might occasionally need documents notarized. After seeing the price tag on their services, though, it might be tempting to change industries. Their fees often can get up to the HK$1000s for as little work as a single signature. The process of becoming a notary public, and joining their society, reveals why: it is long, difficult, expensive, and often seemingly intentionally confusing.
The most restrictive requirement is the prerequisite: being a long practicing, active solicitor. You also have to be well connected enough to find signatories for a “Letter of Support”, including other lawyers and judges.
Both requirements are difficult but doable, yet as of 2017 June, there are a total of only 379 notaries public, while there are almost 10,000 lawyers. Why? The exam is a huge challenge, even for some of the most highly educated people in Hong Kong. At the last exam, in 2015, 241 highly experienced lawyers took it. 22 passed.
If you pass the literal and figurative tests demanded by the Society of Notaries, you still must apply, which is a challenge in itself. There are two separate applications for your license, a required application to the Society of Notaries, and an application to be allowed to practice, each with paperwork and, of course, fees. The total monetary cost: greater than HK$80000.
If you manage to complete the marathon application, though, you’re inducted into a highly prestigious, lucrative, and powerful society. Our later blogs will outline the process of becoming licensed, so check our blog for more information.
如果您拥有一家小型企业,您可能偶尔需要对文件进行公证。然而,在看到他们服务的价格标签后,改变行业可能很诱人。他们的费用通常高达 1000 港元,只需一个签名。成为公证人并加入他们的社会的过程揭示了原因:它漫长、困难、昂贵,而且往往似乎是故意混淆的。
这两个要求都很难但可行,但截至2017年6月,公证人总共只有379人,而律师却有近10,000人。为什么?考试是一个巨大的挑战,即使对于香港一些受过高等教育的人来说也是如此。在 2015 年的最后一次考试中,有 241 名经验丰富的律师参加了考试。22 通过。
Previously, we gave you an introduction and general guide to the Significant Controllers Register, the ‘SCR’.
Here, we have compiled all the major points into a checklist for the preparation of your SCR.
1. Find a place to keep the SCR. The SCR can be kept at the registered office or any other place in Hong Kong. If the SCR is not kept at the registered office of the company, or if it is moved, please remember to deliver Form NR2 to report the new location the SCR is being kept within 15 days it is moved.
2. Ascertain whether there are any significant controllers of the company. If yes, take reasonable steps to identify and list the significant controllers.
3. Send notices to any person who is believed to be a significant controller and any person who is believed to know the identity of a significant controller.
4. Prepare the SCR
If you have any enquires about SCR, please refer to the blog ‘WHO IS THE SIGNIFICANT CONTROLLERS OF THE COMPANY’ and ‘WHAT IS THE CONTENT OF SIGNIFICANT CONTROLLERS REGISTER?’ or contact us at sales@centreo.hk.
在这里,我们已将所有要点汇编成一份清单,用于准备您的 SCR(重要控制人登记册)。
1. 找个地方放 SCR。SCR 可存放于香港的注册办事处或任何其他地方。如果 SCR 没有保存在公司的注册办事处,或者如果它被移动,请记得在 15 天内提交表格 NR2,报告 SCR 的新位置。
3. 向任何被认为是重要控制人的人和任何被认为知道重要控制人身份的人发送通知。
4. 准备SCR
如果您对SCR有任何疑问,请查阅’谁是公司的重要控制人’ 和 ‘重要控制人登记册的内容是什么?’ 或通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系。
After identifying the significant controllers in your company, you should enter the content into a Significant Controllers Register, keep it up-to-date, and make it available for inspection. It is important to note that certain details must be included in SCR:
• The ‘required particulars’ of every significant controller of the company.
The ‘required particulars’ include name, nature of control over the company, and the date of their becoming a significant controller.
• The particulars of any registrable change with respect to each of its significant controllers.
A registrable change includes a significant controller’s cessation as a significant controller, and changes rendering the particulars already entered incorrect or incomplete.
• The name and contact details of your designated representative.
The company must designate a representative to serve as the contact for providing information on the SCR and related assistance to law enforcement officers.
The required particulars of a registrable person or registrable legal entity must be entered in the SCR in a timely manner, within 7 days after all the particulars have been provided or confirmed.
Centre O can help you to maintain the Significant Controllers Register as part of the Company Secretarial service. Check out further details on the following link: http://centreo.hk/company-secretarial/.
If you would like to know more about the SCR compliance, or if you have other business related questions, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk. We are always here to serve and help your company to maintain HK requirements and compliance.
在确定贵公司的重要控制人后,您应将其内容录入重要控制人名册,及时更新,以备查阅。需要注意的是,某些细节必须包含在 SCR 中:
• 公司每一位重要控制人的“所有需要的资料”。
• 与每个重要控制人有关的任何可注册变更的详情。
• 指定代表的姓名和联系方式。
公司必须指定一名代表作为联系人,向执法人员提供有关 SCR 的信息和相关协助。
必须在提供或确认所有详细信息后的 7 天内及时将可注册人或可注册法人实体的所需详细信息输入到 SCR 中。
作为公司秘书服务的一部分,Centre O 可以帮助您维护重要控制人登记册。查看以下链接了解更多:http : //centreo.hk/company-secretarial/。
如果您想了解更多关于 SCR 合规性的信息,或者您有其他与业务相关的问题,请通过sales@centreo.hk与我们联系。我们随时为您服务并帮助您的公司保持香港的要求和合规性。