
• 此人直接或间接持有超过 25% 的公司已发行股份,或者,如果公司没有股本,则此人直接或间接持有超过 25% 的股份公司的资本或利润
• 此人直接或间接持有公司 25% 以上的投票权
• 此人直接或间接拥有任命或罢免公司董事会多数成员的权利
• 此人有权对公司行使或实际行使重大影响或控制
• 该人有权对信托或非法人但其受托人或成员满足前四个条件中的任何一个条件的信托或公司的活动行使或实际行使重大影响或控制此类)与公司有关
符合上述标准的每个人都应包含在 SCR 中。公司可以通过查阅公司的股东名册、公司章程和股东协议来确定其重要控制人。
作为我们公司秘书服务的一部分,Centre O 可以帮助您维护您的重要控制人登记册。查看以下链接的更多详细信息:http://centreo.hk/company-secretarial/。
如果您想了解更多关于 SCR 合规性的信息,请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系。我们随时为您服务并帮助您的公司维持香港的业务要求和合规性。


All companies incorporated in Hong Kong (except listed companies) should identify persons who have significant control over the company (‘significant controllers’) and maintain a significant controllers register (‘SCR’) to be accessible by law enforcement officers. A person has ‘significant control’ over a company if one or more of the following condition are met:

• The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the issued shares in the company or, if the company does not have a share capital, the person holds, directly or indirectly, a right to share in more than 25% of the capital or profits of the company

• The person holds, directly or indirectly, more than 25% of the voting rights of the company

• The person holds, directly or indirectly, the right to appoint or remove a majority of the board of directors of the company

• The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the company

• The person has the right to exercise, or actually exercises, significant influence or control over the activities of a trust or a firm that is not a legal person, but whose trustees or members satisfy any of the first four conditions (in their capacity as such) in relation to the company

Everyone who meets the above criteria should be included in the SCR. A company can identify its significant controllers by reviewing the company’s register of members, articles of association and shareholders agreement.

Centre O can help you to maintain your Significant Controllers Register as part of our Company Secretarial service. Check out further details on the following link: http://centreo.hk/company-secretarial/.

If you would like to know more about SCR compliance, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk. We are always here to serve and help your company to maintain Hong Kong business requirements and compliance.


罗伯特·麦基 (Robert McKee) 说得最好——“讲故事是将想法付诸实践的最有力方式”。
Center O 很乐意提供更多此类提示,并可以帮助您的业务继续发展。如需更多业务指导,请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系。


Story Telling: The “Why” before “What”

Robert McKee puts it best – “Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.”

Nowhere is this truer than when pitching your business to investors or trying to win over a potential client. Storytelling binds humans together because it is our base form of communication to connect and bond with other individuals. Applying this tactic to your business elevator pitch will help you win others over emotionally. When pitching your idea, help your audience invest in the “why” of your product – the purpose behind what you are selling, before trying to sell them your “what” – the physical product.

To convey the “why,” tell your audience a story of significance. For example, the time you saw a need and meaningfully fulfilled that need by creating your product or service. This helps your audience develop an emotional stake by linking the product to an experience, which allows the audience to get to know you and your product on more than just a business level. This technique contrasts diving directly into an explanation about the product itself.

Storytelling is a timeless, powerful psychological tool that, when used effectively, can win over an audience and help them believe in what you are selling. Focus on the “why” before the “what” to get people on board with what you are trying to sell!

Centre O is happy to offer more tips like this and is available to help your business continue to grow. For more business guidance, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk.


3 种方法为企业家建立业务网络

如果您正在寻找与香港企业家社区交流的社交活动,请查看我们拥有 4,700 多个连接器的聚会小组。期盼在下一次活动中见到您!


Building relationships and business network is important for starting a business because it can help you to take a step back everything from branding strategy to funding.

A good relationship is mutually beneficial, which enables both parties to help each other in an organic way. To build this kind of relationship, only attending business networking events and keeping business information is not enough. Here below are some way to start expanding your business network.

  1. Connect with influencers

Your relationship with an influencer can be very advantageous because he or she is able to access many potential clients and influence on their thoughts.

  1. Find the right networking group

Building relationships should start with choosing the right events and groups. For example, groups with similar professionals, potential clients or business partners.

  1. Offer something valuuable

Be helpful to everyone without expecting anything in return. For example, you can listen carefully to people and openly share your knowledge to them.

If you’re looking for networking events to mingle with the Hong Kong entrepreneur community, check out our meetup group with 4,700+ connectors. Hope to see you at a next event!


3 Effective Ways to Increase Sales and Traffic for E-Commerce Shops

If you operate your business on an e-commerce platform like Shopify, you know that it can be difficult to create traffic and close sales. Below, Centre O offers easy ways to boost your sales:

Send Samples to Social Media Influencers

Social media can be a powerful tool to attract customers, but it is difficult to create a large enough social media following from nothing, especially if you’re a business. Instead, identify an influencer by following hashtags and accounts related to your industry or product on platforms like Instagram.  You will have a good chance of getting your product pushed to a buying market by directly messaging influencers to inform them about your product. Suggest sending the influencer a sample in hopes that they share with their audience.

Build Strong Email Campaigns

Capturing a large directory of emails is cheap and can lead to a great ROI; however, email addresses are worthless unless you’re sending thoughtful and regular emails to subscribers. Some tips:

  • Understand your audience beyond their demographic details – What is the best time of day to send an email? What email layout is most effective? Consider A/B testing content in small batches to see what is most effective!
  • Have a motivating and clever ‘Call to Action’ encouraging next steps in the purchasing process
  • Monitor your metrics on platforms like SendGrid

Recover Abandoned Check-Out Carts

Abandoned shopping carts are online shopping carts with at least one product whose buyer opts not to complete the purchase. Studies have found that over one-half of online shopping carts are left unpurchased. From this, suppliers can learn that an audience expresses an interest in their product, but there is a preventative factor causing the purchase to be left incomplete. To lower the abandoned check-out cart rate, send a follow-up email to remind the customer about their incomplete purchase, or even better, offer a coupon code or free shipping to incentivize the purchase – another reason to obtain your customer’s email address!


Centre O understands that running an online business can be challenging, but we hope these tips will boost your sales. We also want to make it less challenging by offering Centre O’s Accounting and Auditing Services. Our services use Xero to seamlessly integrate with your online shops, making bookkeeping one fewer thing that you need to worry about while you’re busy making sales!  For more information, contact us at sales@centreo.hk.


3 种简单、有效的方法来增加电子商务商店的销售量和客流量

提高电子商务商店销售额和流量的 3 种有效方法
如果您在 Shopify 等电子商务平台上经营您的业务,您就会知道创造流量和完成销售可能很困难。下面,Center O 提供了提高销售额的简单方法:
社交媒体可以成为吸引客户的强大工具,但很难从无到有创建足够大的社交媒体,特别是如果您是一家企业。相反,通过在 Instagram 等平台上关注与您的行业或产品相关的主题标签和帐户来识别影响者。通过直接向有影响力的人发送消息,让他们了解您的产品,您将很有可能将您的产品推向购买市场。建议向影响者发送样本,希望他们与观众分享。
了解您的受众,超越他们的人口统计信息——一天中发送电子邮件的最佳时间是什么时候?哪种电子邮件布局最有效?考虑小批量的 A/B 测试内容,看看什么是最有效的!
在 SendGrid 等平台上监控您的指标
Center O 了解经营网上业务可能具有挑战性,但我们希望这些技巧能促进您的销售。我们还希望通过提供 Center O 的会计和审计服务来降低挑战。我们使用Xero的服务与您的网上商店无缝集成,让您在忙于销售时无需担心簿记!如需了解更多信息,请通过sales@centreo.hk与我们联系。


如果您使用的是DBS银行账户,您可以将您的账户连接到XERO,并让您的交易每 24 小时自动核对一次。通过这种方式,您可以检查您的发票状态以查看您的星展银行账户是否已收到付款。
要连接您的 DBS 账户,您应该:
1. 在账户菜单中,选择“银行账户”,然后选择;
• 单击添加银行帐户,然后开始输入“DBS”,并从列表中选择 “DBS (HK) Bank”
• 单击获取银行信息以连接现有账户。
2. 单击“登录和连接账户”。
3. 输入您的组织 ID、用户 ID、PIN 和安全访问代码,然后单击 “登录”以授权给第三方。
4. 选中复选框以确认您已阅读条款和条件,然后单击“授权 Xero”。
5. 在每个银行帐户旁边,单击“连接到 Xero 银行帐户”。然后在 Xero 中选择匹配的银行账户,或在 Xero 中选择新银行账户以创建新的银行账户。
6. 单击“连接”。
连接后,您的银行交易将需要 24 小时才能导入 Xero。


If you are using a DBS account, you can link your account to XERO and have your transactions to be reconciled automatically every 24 hour. This way, you can check your invoices’ status to see whether payment has been received or not on your DBS Account.

To connect your DBS account, you should:

1. In the Accounts menu, select Bank Accounts, then either;
• Click Add Bank Account then start typing ‘DBS’, and select DBS (HK) Bank from the list
• Click Get Bank Feeds to connect an existing account.
2. Click Login & Connect Accounts.
3. Enter your Organisation ID, User ID, PIN and Security Access Code, then click Login To Authorise 3rd Party.
4. Select the checkbox to confirm that you’ve read the Terms and Conditions, then click Authorise Xero.
5. Next to each bank account, click Connect to a Xero bank account. Then select either the matching bank account in Xero, or New bank account in Xero to create a new bank account.
6. Click Connect.

Once connected, your bank transactions will take 24 hours to import into Xero.