Quick and Healthy Office Snacks

We all like to munch on something at the office. Unfortunately, with the time limitations and lack of planning, we may often wind up opting for quicker less healthier options. How to prevent that? Simply plan ahead and take a look at our list of healthy office snacks:

–       Whole Wheat Crackers and Peanut Butter (the sweet one)

Try multigrain crackers for a good source of fiber and additive-free peanut butter for your source of protein.

whole wheat crackers

-Fruit (the obvious one)

Try to grab a different fruit every time you pack for the office. That will keep your diet varied and you vitamin intake full. Top that off with a glass of milk or yoghurt for an easy-to-make fruit salad.


–       Popcorn with Parmesan (the unexpected one)

Get unsalted popcorn with no additives and add 2 tablespoons of shredded parmesan. This makes for a tasty snack with only 150 calories.

–       Nuts (the crunchy one)

Nuts are a natural source of vitamin E, magnesium and potassium and are rich in

Protein and fiber.  They are also a good ay to get heart-healthy fats. However, they are also calorically dense, so measure out a small bag per day (about 24 nuts) and keep within limits.


–       Instant oatmeal (the nutritious one)

We are used to associating anything that comes with the word “instant” as unhealthy. However, this is not the case. Just choose plain oatmeal and add your own flavourings to control the sugar

instant oatmeal

–       mini-pitas with hummus (the exotic one)

Hummus can supply you with natural hormones, as well as vitamin C, B6 and iron. Put in into a mini-pita and enjoy the soft nutty taste with zero guilt.


–       vegetables with Ranch sauce (the fresh one)

ranch veggies

Raw vegetables help you feel full quickly because of their high water and fiber content. Ranch dressing (salsa/yoghurt) make the snack a delicious experience.

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