Re-using plastic bottles? Be Careful! Not All Plastic Bottles Are Safe to Use Multiple Times.

Plastic Bottle Correct Use

Our world today is all about recycling. More than ever before we use plastic packaging for food products. A  water bottle is probably the number one plastic container in use these days.

And please do not get this wrong: there is nothing bad about drinking water from plastic bottles. BUT there are rules that need to be followed to keep you and your loved ones safe. And sometimes we are simply not aware of them.

You may have heard the story of the girl who got cancer from using the same plastic bottle? Well, we are not here to scare you into carrying a porcelain cup wherever you go. All we want to do is go over a few rules when dealing with plastic. I mean it is better to be safe than sorry, right?

Actually, plastic bottles tell the story themselves. All you have to do is pay attention.

Take a look at the bottom of the bottle. You will see a small triangle with a figure.


Health advocates recommend not reusing bottles made from #1 PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate). According to The Green Guide such bottles are safe for one-time use, but re-use should be avoided, as studies indicate they may leak DEHP  – another probable human carcinogen – when they are in less-than-perfect condition.

Let’s break it down:


PET polyethylene terephthalate resin is commonly used for manufacturing mineral water bottles and soda bottles

DO NOT: Heat them to 70 ℃  (causes deformation and release of harmful substances)

DO NOT: Use #1 plastic after 10 months, as they may release carcinogenic DEHP

DO NOT: Leave them in the sun, car or any heated environment

DO NOT: Use them to keep wine, oil or any other substances


HDPE (high density polyethylene) is commonly used for making white bottles, containers for bath products and cleaning materials.

DO NOT: Use these containers for storage of other items

DO NOT: Recycle them


PVC is commonly uses to make raincoats, plastic film, plastic boxes and so on.

This material is rarely used in food packaging.

DO NOT: Heat it

DO NOT: Recycle

DO NOT: Try to clean it and use for keeping food.


PE (Polyethylene) is commonly used for making common plastic wrap.

DO NOT: Use this material in heated environment (like wrapping food for the microwave).

bottle_5 PP (polypropylene) is commonly used for making milk bottles, yoghurt bottles, juice bottles, microwavable meals and so on. Their melting point is 167 ℃.

NOTE: Pay attention to the materials used for manufacturing the lid of the container. Quite often the lids are made from different materials, such as PE and can not withstand high temperatures.


PC polystyrene is commonly used to make instant noodle bowls and snacks.

DO NOT: Put them into microwaves, as chemicals can be released at high temperatures


Other PC include materials used for manufacturing common kettles, space cups and bottles. They are often used for gift packaging.

DO NOT: Use them in a heated environment, as harmful substances (such as bisphenol A) may be released.

Be careful and stay safe!

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