Video Cha Cha

When I had the pleasure of having a chat with Stephen Barnes the “Hong Kong Visa Geeza”, he stressed how things have changed with the advent of the modern internet. His philosophy is to provide expert information and guidance which helps solve people’s problems and answers their questions in a variety of different format types; written, podcast, infographics, PDF and, most importantly, video.

“When I first decided I wanted to use video extensively on my websites, I was shocked at home expensive it was to ask others to produce it for me” he said. “I couldn’t believe how, when video recording equipment is now so readily affordable, video production professionals were charging so much for simple talk-to-camera videos. It was especially galling as you can buy easy-to-use video editing software for about USD100 these days. Why such a disconnect?”

Understanding how costly and fragmented the video services industry in Hong Kong was, he bought some equipment off eBay and started recording his videos in his own home. As his library of video content grew, this led to him, in late 2013, creating Video Cha Cha!

“Between 2011 and 2013, I learned that producing high quality video is just a simple matter of working to a formula. My 400 or so videos were now working hard in introducing lots of new business to my immigration services business so I wanted to significantly upgrade the scope and quality so my business partner and I established our own studio in Wanchai” Barnes told me. “And when we are not using it to produce our own videos for the Hong Kong Visa Centre, we make it available to other start ups, SMEs and first time entrepreneurs at really affordable prices. We called this service, Video Cha Cha!”

This new filming space located in Wan Chai, not only gives a high quality home for Hong Kong Visa Centre’s website content creation activities, but also an affordable studio space for entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity of website videos too! Video Cha Cha offers quick and easy video filming at the right price.

Josephine and Simon in the Video Cha Cha studio

Josephine and Simon in the Video Cha Cha studio

For more information about Video Cha Cha and their services, visit:

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