Two Common Questions on Tax Return Filing

Taxes due

We all have a multitude of questions when it comes to taxation. Some are more common than others, and here are the two that we get asked most often:

 Question one: “When will the tax return form be sent by post from Inland Revenue?”

The first form normally comes in on the 17th to19th month since company incorporation, and then they will send the form every 12 month to the registered office address.

 Question two: “What if I do not return the form before the deadline?”

There will be a letter sent to you with penalty of Hk$1200 first.

Then, there will be another penalty of Hk$3000 if you’re still not responding.

The final letter will be a court hearing…. so we do suggest you to get it down on time.  Or if you really hate doing this stuff, pass it on to your accountant.

Have more questions – we’d be happy to answer at


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