What to Look For in a Virtual Office?

What to look for in a virtual office

As we discussed in our previous post, having a virtual office holds numerous benefits for startups and those wishing to cut down operation costs.

So if you have made a decision to open a virtual office, what should you be looking for?


To add trust and credibility to your company, a reputable business address is important. Ask your virtual office provider about location options and focus on the business areas of the city.

Dedicated phone/fax line

Communication is at the heart of any business. To ensure timely and professional communication with your customers and partners, do ensure that your business gets a dedicated phone and fax service.

Extended business hours

As most businesses in Hong Kong operate on an international scope, you may be expecting to deal with different time zones. Having a call forwarding service or a receptionist to help you be available for your overseas clients is a very useful feature.

Post management

One of the reasons you are opening a virtual office is to make sure you have an official business presence. And when you have agreements, packages or any other official mailings to receive, make sure they are accepted and signed for in your virtual space. Creating an extra company round chop for the office to receive parcels on your behalf is handy.

Administrative support

As we mentioned in our first blog post on virtual offices, one of the greatest benefits of having one for small businesses or startups is the “no hassle factor”. The idea that you will be able to focus solely on your business operation and marketing is a very important benefit, especially, if you are starting a business in a foreign country and are not very familiar with administrative regulations.

Conference Room

This is a good feature to have for those who have visiting customers or those working with a bigger team. Having the chance to get together once in a while in an official atmosphere and discuss your business privately can prove to be an important advantage and will help break the “sameness” of your business operation.

Surely, there may be additional services and terms you are looking for. And all of that depends on the nature and industry of your business.

So, above all, when choosing a virtual office provider, pay attention to qualified, tailored and flexible customer service.

For more information, visit our virtual office page at http://www.centreo.hk/virtual_office or contact us at sales@centreo.hk


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