美国流行病学杂志的一项研究发现,每周工作 55 小时的人在某些脑力任务上的表现比每周工作 40 小时的人要差。 人们在 90 分钟的剧烈爆发中工作得最好,然后是恢复期。综上所述,这些发现表明,通过正确安排休息时间,员工可以在更短的时间内完成类似的工作量。 此外[…]
Author Archives: admin
Happy Birthday Multi-Networking Business Community: celebrating 1 year on Meetup
Happy birthday Multi-Networking Business Community: celebrating 1 year on Meetup In the last year Meetup became really well-known and used: but what it exactly is? It is a social network useful to ease meetings between groups of people, linked by common interests all around the world. Just to list some of the most popular topics: …
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多网络商业社区生日快乐:庆祝 1 年
多网络商业社区生日快乐:庆祝 1 年 在去年,Meetup 变得非常有名并被使用:但它到底是什么? 它是一个社交网络,有助于缓解由世界各地的共同利益联系在一起的人群之间的会议。列举一些最热门的话题:从美术馆到会计,从户外健身到化妆排毒,从养狗到风水等等。 开始[…]
A small reminder about Company Incorporation: basic rules and advises for shareholders and directors
A small reminder about Company Incorporation: basic rules and advises for shareholders and directors There are some basic rules to follow if you are going to create your own business in Hong Kong even if, to do it here, it is easier and faster compared to other countries. Anybody can form a Hong Kong Limited …
关于公司注册的小提示:股东和董事的基本规则和建议 如果您打算在香港创建自己的企业,即使在这里开展业务比其他国家/地区更容易、更快捷,也需要遵循一些基本规则。 任何人都可以成立香港有限公司。 有限公司是由董事、秘书和股东(成员)组成的法人实体。 董事负责公司的日[…]
Watch out for your Visa expiry date
Everyday we manage many situations about Visa application and we collaborate with many offices for immigration procedures, we hear lots of different stories on China Visa. In every countries to follow immigration rules strictly is the first thing we suggest to do or it could make you pass through very uncomfortable adventures. Do not …
(图片) 我们每天都会处理很多关于签证申请的情况,我们也会和很多办事处合作办理移民手续,听到很多关于中国签证的不同故事。 在每个国家,严格遵守移民规则是我们建议做的第一件事,否则可能会让您经历非常不舒服的冒险。 不要逾期逗留。 这似乎很明显,尽管处罚的严重程度[…]
Mid-autumn festival is coming
Falling on the 15th day of the 8th month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the second most important festival after the Spring Festival to Chinese people. Mid-Autumn Festival 2015 is on September 27. And we will get an extra day off in September 28th this year. It takes its name …
根据中国农历八月十五日,中秋节是中国人继春节之后第二个最重要的节日。2015年的中秋节是9月27日。 我们将在今年 9 月 28 日多放一天假。 它的名字来源于它总是在秋天的中期庆祝。这一天也被称为月亮节,因为在一年中的那个时候,月亮是最圆最亮的。中秋节是一种[…]
Prolonged VISA: How and Why
Unfortunately, Hong Kong only recognizes traditional ‘legal dependents’ (heterosexual spouse) in the issuance of dependent visas. For example, will you qualify for permissions under one of the other visa categories in your own right? In case your situation doesn’t belong to one of these categories: student/training visa, investment visa, dependent visa, employment visa, and your …