Thanks to all joined us for our happy hour at the Cottage Gastropub last night. You all made it a great event! We had a great crowd! Stay tuned for our future networking events coming out in The Following months, we look forward to sharing a beverage with you all again soon! For more events …
Author Archives: admin
(图片) 七步足以在事业上取得成功!! 成为企业家意味着什么?企业家是指承担所谓“公司风险”的全部或一部分与其他企业家一起开始或管理经济活动的人。 创业是为了开展一些活动而创办一家初创公司或其他组织的过程,这些活动因所涉及的组织类型和创造力而有很大差异。 策略[…]
It’s All About You: A Huge Thank You to Our members
Thank you all for joining our Meetup group! In less than six months, we were able to grow our Meetup group to over 1400 members. For us, it is important that everyone being happy: members and organizing team. We achieve that by doing interesting, creative events that are also original like ‘Female entrepreneur event and …
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感谢大家加入我们的聚会小组!在不到六个月的时间里,我们的 Meetup 小组的成员人数已超过 1400 人。 对我们来说,每个成员和组织团队开心才是最重要的。我们通过举办有趣的、创造性的原创活动来实现这一目标,如“女性企业家活动和速度网络活动”。他们必须对成员[…]
Hiring season is approaching in Hong Kong!
People from all around the world come to Hong Kong to study, to work and to live. The city is a melting pot of different nationalities and cultures. Hong Kong is a place full of opportunities, be it for advancing up your career ladder or realizing your dream. You will earn valuable work experience if …
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来自世界各地的人们前往到香港学习、工作和生活。这座城市是不同民族和文化的大熔炉。 香港是一个充满机遇的地方,无论是提升你的职业阶梯还是实现你的梦想。如果你决定毕业后留在香港工作,你将获得宝贵的工作经验,尤其是如果你决心开拓中国大陆市场。Youth Employ[…]
Co working Summer Special: Your best work happens here!
The summer is the PERFECT time to try out our co working area and you get time to catch up on work, deadlines, and host meetings! When it comes to co working, we want to make sure that it’s as good for your business as possible. So we are always looking for ways to make …
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夏天是试用我们共享工作区的最佳时间,您有时间赶上工作、截止日期和主持会议! 在合作方面,我们希望确保尽可能对您的业务有利。因此,我们一直在寻找使其成为更好交易的方法。 夏天适合放松和探索,但这并不意味着工作会停止,尤其是如果您是自由职业者或企业家。 考虑到这一[…]
Can you Multi- Task??
Most of us suffer from multitasking almost daily. Once you get used to doing it, it’s almost impossible not to. It is so hard to stop multitasking because we have conditioned our mind and body to feel that thrill. Then we naturally go looking for the thrill by doing even more multitasking. But it is …
我们中的大多数人几乎每天都要忍受多重任务的折磨。一旦你习惯了这样做,几乎不可能不这样做。停止同时处理多项任务是非常困难的,因为我们的大脑和身体已经适应了这种刺激,然后我们自然而然地通过做更多的任务来寻找刺激。 但是我们很难摆脱这些习惯,因为我们的大脑已经习惯于[…]