Subsidy Scheme for Employment Agencies with valid licence

The novel coronavirus epidemic has brought exceptional challenges to Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Government has responded to the needs of the Employment Agencies in an unprecedented manner. Hence, the Labour Department launched the Subsidy Scheme for Employment Agencies under the 6th Round of Anti-epidemic Fund

One-off Lump Sum Subsidy

The scheme aims to assist Employment Agencies to tide over the difficulties arising the COVID-19 epidemic. The scheme will grant a one-off lump sum subsidy to below:

  • $50,000 for each main licence of Employment Agencies that provide a foreign domestic helper placement service;
  • $30,000 for each main licence of Employment Agencies that provide a non-foreign domestic helper placement service; and
  • $10,000 for each duplicate licence for branch office of both kinds of Employment Agencies


An Employment Agency eligible for applying for a subsidy under the Scheme must:

  • have held a valid licence issued by the Labour Department under section 52 of the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57) as at 31 January 2022.  If the validity period of the current licence of the EA is less than two months on the date of subsidy application, the EA must have submitted an application for licence renewal to the Labour Department in accordance with Regulation 2 of the Employment Agency Regulations (EAR) (Cap. 57A); or
  • have submitted an application for the issue of a new licence in accordance with Regulation 2 of EAR as at 31 December 2021, and the application was still under processing as at 31 January 2022.

If an Employment Agency has applied to the Labour Department for issue of a new licence or renewal of licence according to the above, the subsidy will only be disbursed after the licence application is approved.  For Employment Agencies meeting the requirement in item (i) above and intending to apply for a subsidy of $50,000, they will be required to declare that they had provided foreign domestic helper placement service on or before 31 January 2022, and may be required to submit documentary proof as necessary.  As for Employment Agencies meeting the requirement in item (ii) above, they can only apply for a subsidy of $30,000 as they have only been issued a new licence after 31 January 2022.

When and how to apply?

The scheme is open for application from 17th March – 29th April 2022. You can submit a completed the form and required document, and then send to Employment Agencies Administration of Labour Department. And then you can send via fax, post , email or in person during the application period.

If you submit your personal via fax or email, the Labour Department may ask the applicant concerned to provide the original copy of the documents for verification. However, Labour Department will not consider any late applications, incomplete applications or applications with late submission of the required documents. So, please check if you are submitting along with a completed application form and required documents and BEFORE 29th April 2022.

For further information, please contact us.



Hong Kong’s finance chief on 22th February, 2022 unveiled a costly HK$170 billion ($21.79 billion) budget. Including tax breaks and consumer spending vouchers, as the city reels under its worst coronavirus outbreak to date.

The budget will direct more resources to relieve people’s hardship and provide SMEs with some breathing space so as to stabilize the economy and maintain public confidence. Estimated deficit for 2022-2023 is $56.3 billion. Thus, the budget will continue to adopt an expansionary fiscal policy with initiatives mainly focusing on 4 areas:

  1. supporting an all-out effort to win the fight against the epidemic;
  2. relieving the hardship of our people and SMEs;
  3. rendering support to the struggling economy and fostering post-epidemic economic revival; and
  4. investing for the future by planning ahead for the medium- and long-term development of our economy.

Relieve people’s hardship

  • Issue $10,000 electronic consumption vouchers to each eligible Hong Kong permanent resident and new arrival aged 18 or above.
  • Introduce tax deduction for domestic rental expenses for taxpayers liable to salaries tax and tax under personal assessment. Subject to a deduction ceiling of $100,000 per year of assessment from 2022-2023. The deduction will not apply to a taxpayer who is the owner of the domestic property or an associate of the landlord of the rented property (eg, spouse, parent, child, brother/sister or partner of the taxpayer, or a corporation controlled by the taxpayer) or where the taxpayer receives a rent refund from the employer.
  • Provide an extra half-month allowance of standard Social Security Assistance (CSSA) payments, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to Working Family Allowance.
  • Extend the 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme for one year until the end of April 2023. And the ceiling will increase from $80,000 to $100,000. The maximum repayment period will extend to ten years.

Support Enterprises

  • Introduce Rental Enforcement Moratorium for tenants of specific sectors through legislation.
  • Further extend the application period of 100% guarantee low-interest loan for enterprises to the end of June 202. And raise loan ceiling to $9 million, extend repayment period and duration of principal moratorium.
  • Extend the waivers/concessions of the existing 34 groups of government fees and charges for 12 months.
  • Continue to grant the 75% rental/fee concession to eligible tenants of government premises/short-term tenancies and waivers for six months (100% concession for those closed at the Government’s request).

Enhance Economic Resilience and Enrich Industrial Development

  • Provide tax concessions for the eligible family investment management entities managed by single-family offices with effect from 2022-2023.
  • Provide half-tax concession to attract more maritime enterprises to establish a presence in Hong Kong.
  • Issue no less than $15 billion of inflation-linked retail bonds, no less than $35 billion of Silver Bond and no less than $10 billion of retail green bonds in the next financial year.
  • Set up a ‘Digital Economy Development Committee’ to accelerate the progress of digital economy.
  • Allow stocks traded via the Southbound Trading of Stock Connect to be denominated in RMB. And roll out supporting measures such as waiving the stamp duty on stock transfers paid by market makers in their transactions to increase the liquidity of RMB-denominated stocks.
  • Continue to proactively expand Hong Kong’s Comprehensive Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreements (CDTAs) network. At present, Hong Kong has signed 45 CDTAs and is in negotiations with 14 tax jurisdictions. With a view to minimising the risk of double taxation borne by foreign enterprises doing business in Hong Kong.

Rates Concession and Rating System

  • Propose to limit future rates concession for domestic properties to one domestic property for each eligible owner who is a natural person starting from 2023-2024.
  • Introduce from 2024-2025 progressive rating system for domestic properties. For domestic properties with annual rateable value of $550,000 or below. It is proposed that rates will continue to be charged at the present level of 5% of the rateable value. For domestic properties with rateable value over $550,000, it is proposed that rates be charged at 5% of the rateable value on the first $550,000 and at 8% of the rateable value on the next $250,000, and then at 12% on rateable value exceeding $800,000.

New International Tax Standards

  • Plan to submit a legislative proposal to the LegCo in the second half of this year to implement the global minimum tax rate and other relevant requirements in accordance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) 2.0 framework targeting multinational enterprises (MNEs) with consolidated group revenue exceeding Euro 750 million.
  • Consider introducing a domestic minimum top-up tax with regard to the aforesaid MNEs starting from the year of assessment 2024/25 to ensure that their effective tax rates reach the global minimum effective tax rate of 15 per cent so as to safeguard Hong Kong’s taxing rights.
  • Reaffirm the Government’s stand to preserve the advantages of Hong Kong’s tax regime in terms of its simplicity, certainty and transparency, maintain the territorial source principle of taxation as well as minimise the compliance burden on MNEs when implementing BEPS 2.0.

Still, this is the proposal and subject to final approval from the Legislative Council.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: THE 2021-2022 BUDGET TARGETS ON REVIVING THE ECONOMY


Hong Kong Government announced to launch a new tranche of Employment Support Scheme (ESS). Due to the 5th wave of COVID attacked hardly on the economy, the government budgets $26-$31 billion wage subsidy to safeguard local jobs.

What is the objective of ESS?

The Employment Support Scheme aims to speed up the economy recovery and resumption from the 5th Wave of COVID. The experience of the 1st round ESS in 2020, the government focused on supporting the affected industries, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The practice of the wage subsidy will be the same as 2020. The wage subsidy will be granted to eligible employers. Then the employers to pay for May, June and July 2022 salary.

What are the criteria of ESS?

  1. $8000 per month per employee with monthly salary less than $30,000.
  2. The employers have to propose the number of subsidised employees. And the ceiling of subsidised employee is less than previous ESS in 2020.
  3. During the ESS period, the number of employee should NO LESS than the number of proposed in the application.

Who is NOT eligible under the ESS?

For the new tranche of ESS, Supermarket and pharmacy chain store, property management, banks, financial institutions, express delivery, telecommunications are excluded.

Still, the new tranche of ESS needs approval from the Legislative Council. And the government will contact chambers of commerce, employer’s federations and trade unions to refine the details of the scheme. The subsidy schedules to payout in April.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: Second Employment Support Scheme for Wage Subsidies

Hong Kong Investment Visa (Entrepreneur Visa) – 3

How to make your Hong Kong Investment Visa application more favourable to the Immigration Officers?

Hong Kong welcomes the overseas entrepreneurs as the act is contributing to the city. Definitely, you will be the more favourable Hong Kong Investment Visa applicant if you are a potential contributor. In fact, the actual potential contribution can be evaluated through a business plan. The statistics of business turnover, financial resources, investment sum, number of jobs created locally for HK residents, and the introduction of new technology or skills.

How to prove your business is benefiting Hong Kong Economy?

You have to submit a two-year business plan stating the nature of the business, market analysis, market positioning, business direction, sales targets, product marketing strategy, etc. In order to demonstrate that the business is suitable for and capable of developing in Hong Kong. Also, you should submit a two-year forecast of the profit-and-loss account statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet to demonstrate the feasibility of the business in terms of operation, finances and development.

Even though Hong Kong doesn’t state the minimum investment amount. You still have to submit documentary proof showing the amount of capital investment, proof of your personal and company bank statement and proof of other sources of funding.

Besides, the financial benefit from the business. The Immigration Officer will take into account if your business can create jobs locally. Thus, you have to indicate the number and level of actual jobs created locally. Furthermore, if you can introduce a new technology or skills to Hong Kong. Definitely, your application will become more favourable.

If your business belongs to or is able to complement industries that Hong Kong usually gets considerable advantages. The industries include the 4-traditional pillar industries. That is, trading and logistics, tourism, financial services, and professional and producer services. The industries may also be the four clusters of sectors for example: transportation, convention and exhibition industries and tourism, manufacturing industries, innovative technology and cultural and creative industries, and professional services.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: What kind of business entrepreneur are you according to commitment?


Life is so challenging

Lockdown and Quarantine both words seem the vocabularies from dictionary and never been alive. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, many cities have imposed the stringent epidemic control measures: Lockdown means suspend all the activities in a city and people have to stay at their homes. While quarantine mean people have to separate from the local up to 21 days.

What’s happening in Southern China – Dongguan

Dongguan has imposed strict COVID-19 control measures last week. Only in China, there is a term LOCKDOWN ON-SPOT. That is, when the Epidemic Prevention Bureau find out or someone reported there is a confirmed case within the residential estate, town, village, office buildings, shopping malls or even at the gym. They will preform all measures and lock you down on the spot no matter where you are. Somehow, we’ve just experienced lock down in the office.

The Experience

Our Centre O China office teammates just had an office lockdown adventure for 8 days. Happy to announced we are let out, no confirmed case within the office, and we all survived. We would say the good thing is we are still allowed to order food deliveries, receiving Taobao shoppings, or even having families and friends delivering goods and food to us. All we can’t is to leave the town where the office is, or having any goods or documents or any person leaving the area until they releases everyone. Here, we share our extraordinary experience with you, and what to prepare in advance just incase if there’s another lockdown again.

What to prepare?

Here’s a tailor-made quarantine list if you are LOCKDOWN ON-SPOT in the office.

  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  • Makeup remover, face wash
  • Makeup set
  • Shower: shower gel, shampoo and towels
  • 2 sets of house wear & underwear
  • Medicine & supplement that you always use
  • Travel pillows, blanket and sleeping bag
  • Hangers
  • A pair of plastic slippers
  • Instant noodles and soup
  • As you will be seeing your colleagues 24hours, you might consider bringing a small set of makeup handy as well.

Last but not the least, keeping some your favourite snacks that will make your LOCKDOWN journey more pleasant.

For further information, please contact us.




   计划于2022年3月17日至2022年4月29日期间接受申请。填好的表格以及所需的文件必须在申请时间内,通过邮寄(邮戳日期将被视为申请接受的日期)、传真(传真号码:2115 3756,传真显示的日期将被视作为申请收到的日期)电邮(电邮地址:ea-subsidy@labour.gov.hk)或亲自送交送到劳工处职业介绍所事务科办事处(地址:九龙旺角道一号旺角到一号商业中心九楼906室),并获该办事处受理。如通过传真或电邮递交表格,劳工处可能会要求申请者提供文件正本已做核对。逾期迟交的申请、未填好表格或逾期迟交所需文件的申请将不获受理。
计划的「指定申请表格」、《申請須知》以及填写表格须知可以在申请期内(即2022年3月17日至2022年4月29日)于劳工处职业介绍所专题网站(www.eaa.labour.gov.hk)下载。如就业计划有任何的问题,请致电2115 3665与本处职员联络。                                                                   劳工处







2022年  4月1-4号从税务局发出税务表。     
2022年6月3日“N”代码交回的 延期到期日期。如果您使用的是电子档案系统,可以再此基础上延长2周。
2022年7月2日 客户详情变更通知截止日期为2022年5月3日至6月30日
2022年8月31日“D”代码交回的延期到期日期 ,如果您使用的是如果您使用的是可以再此基础上况下,延长2周。
 2022年11月1日“M”代码本年度损失案件进一步延期提交清单的截止日期。电子档案系统特殊情个别申请可在2022年11月 15日或之前提出。
2022年11月15 “M”代码交回的延期到期日期。如果您使用的是电子档案系统,可以 再此基础上延长2周。
2022年8月2日 对不涉及独资业务的代表个案,延长截止日期


重申政府的立场,即保留香港税制简单、明确和透明的优势,维持税源地域原则,以及在推行BEPS 2.0时尽量减少跨国公司的合规负担。