
问题: 根据乔治城大学中心的说法,背痛实际上是成年人错误工作姿势的主要原因。这并不奇怪:连续几个小时坐着,尤其是不良姿势可能是毁灭性的。但不良姿势不仅仅是常见的懒散——坐直和过度弯曲背部也会导致腰痛。


今天我去参观了 Alexandre de Paris 在 Landmark 的商店。在一个容易找到的位置,一踏进商店,我就被华丽的艺术品所淹没。
每个企业都有自己的故事,对于这个奢华的发饰品牌来说,它始于一个人 – 路易斯·亚历山大·雷曼( Louis Alexandre Raiman)。1957年拥有自己的美发沙龙后,他继续取得许多成就,例如为电影克利奥帕特拉(Cleopatra)中著名的伊丽莎白泰勒( Elizabeth Taylor)设计发型。1971 年,Louis创立了Alexandre de Paris。这些独特的高品质发饰均采用手工制作和精密制造,在行业中处于领先地位。
秋冬系列 13/14


问题: 根据梅奥诊所的说法,眼睛疲劳的症状包括:视力模糊、眼睛敏感、眼睛流泪或干涩、头痛或颈部酸痛。这些症状通常在长时间盯着屏幕后会表现出来。
预防: 我们知道,为了遵守工作的最后期限,有时长时间在电脑前是不可避免的。因此,让我们尽我们所能减轻眼睛的压力:
增加字体大小,这样您就不必眯眼(建议 Microsoft)

Office Health Scares Part I: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

All of us, who spend most of our time in an office or cozily nestled in a coffee shop with our laptops, often think that we are lucky with our safe working environments. And it’s true. Office jobs will definitely not make it to Discovery’s hit series Dangerous Jobs.

However,  even such a seemingly safe environment can present certain health risk, when we are not careful. Here are some things to watch out for.

carpal tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Problem: Any motion that is repeated over and over again can cause injury and pain.

But, contrary to popular opinion, carpal tunnel syndrome isn’t just pain caused by too much typing. It reveals itself as tingling, numbness, itching or even sharp pain, caused when a nerve that runs through the forearm is compressed by swollen ligaments and bones in the wrist (National Institutes of Health)

 Prevention: Do not let it get to the  point when drugs or even surgery are your only option. Try regular stretching and exercises to release tension.

Surely, keep your wrists in the right position. They SHOULD NOT actually rest on the cushy wrist pads that sit below your keyboard or mouse pad. They should only be used as a guide to how high your wrists should be.  According to occupational therapist Marji Hajic your hands should hover over the wrist rest. The wrist rest itself should only be used as a rest in between bouts of typing.


Kick-start Your Year with Visualising Your Goals

Often as we go through our days on end, we lose sight of the goals and resolutions we have made for the New Year.

Here’s a technique that will help you manifest what you really want this year, what this will do is keep you on track and aligned with your goals. When you are your focus and energy is put into your goal, only then it can be achieved. This technique has been popularised by the world champion boxer – Muhammad Ali, he calls it Future History.

What was his technique?

So what Ali would do before a match is vividly visualise the end of the fight. He would imagine the referee holding up his arm and declaring him champion. He would picture, how he was feeling, how he was standing and what he could see.  In-depth, in detail, with commitment and belief, he would visualise this over and over, so before the fight he was not only physically, but mentally prepared. He has spent so much time and energy into feeling like a champion, knowing, already, what it felt like to win, that he had conditioned himself to succeed.  

This I would say is the most powerful tool, not only physically preparing, but mentally preparing yourself to achieve. Whatever comes your way, you don’t lose sight your goal, striving to reach the end.

So give it a try, utilise this tool:

1. Think of the outcome you desire

2. Visualise the outcome happening with total belief

3. See the outcome in as much detail as possible

4. See yourself in the picture

5. What can you hear and see around you?

6. Stand and breathe as you would

7. Make the image bigger brighter and louder

8. Intensify the feeling

9. Now truly focus on what you want & making it happen!


With visualization and belief you can create your own destiny, happy goal achieving~

Don’t Miss the Trendiest Event This Winter: Hong Kong Winter Fashion Show

Hont Kong Fashion Show

If you are looking for inspiration for your look this winter or just want to see eye-catching fabrics, colour trends and patterns, all under the same roof,  – then make sure you put this year’s Hong Kong Fashion Show.

The exhibition will cover a full range of clothing and accessories, focusing on the current trends.

The three new zones presented this time are Cashmere and Wool, Activewear and Packaging and Designing.

Read more at http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkfashionweekfw-en/



阅读更多 http://www.hktdc.com/fair/hkfashionweekfw-en/


这里有一个技巧可以帮助你实现你今年真正想要的东西,它能让你保持在正轨上,与你的目标保持一致。当你全神贯注,全力以赴的时候,你的目标才能实现。这项技术被世界冠军拳击手穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)推广,他称之为未来历史。
1. 想想你想要的结果
2. 完全相信结果的发生
3. 尽可能详细地观察结果
5. 你能听到和看到你周围的什么?
6. 站着呼吸
9. 现在真正专注于你想要的并实现它!


我们所有人,大部分时间都在办公室度过,或者带着笔记本电脑舒适地坐在咖啡馆里,通常我们认为很幸运拥有安全的工作环境。这是真的。办公室工作肯定不会出现在 Discovery 的热门系列危险工作中。
当然,保持你的手腕在正确的位置。它们实际上不应该放在键盘或鼠标垫下方的舒适腕垫上。它们只能用作您的手腕应该有多高的指南。根据职业治疗师 Marji Hajic 的说法,您的手应该悬停在腕托上。腕托本身只能在打字间歇时作为休息。


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