Why Centre O Offices are better than conventional office?

When clients are starting their businesses in Hong Kong, they have to consider their options and whats’ best suits for the newly established business, to keep the cost low while they have the flexibility to grow within the next 12 months. Herein below, we are sharing a few thoughts of why Centre O Offices are better than conventional office.

Why Serviced Offices In Hong Kong?

Finding the best environment for a startup office is an important decision. It can have a profound effect on one’s ability to work most effectively. For the small-scale entrepreneur always needs a prominent location where they can operate their business. Centre O provides office space right with places, popular areas, affordable budget and extra services to entice your customers.

Excellent flexibility and an endless variety of options are at the heart of getting serviced offices in Hong Kong. Centre O is located in a prestigious location, the business hub of Hong Kong Island. It is easily accessible from public transport, and only minutes’ walk away from the MTR station.

Centre O let you move in immediately into a fully furnished, elegant, professional office with pre-installed telephone lines, Internet, and Wifi access. You will be able to stay in communication with your suppliers and clients. Nothing like 50pages of lease contract, utility companies, building inspectors, regulators, furnitures, fixtures, printers or coffee machine selection are on your shoulder. Allowing you to have a free mind to focus on your core – getting customers and sales.

Centre O business Centre can be a temporary or long-term solution. In short, we offer substantial savings at affordable prices and all-inclusive rate. A caring, professional office support team at your service, but not on you payroll.

Virtual Office In Hong Kong

A virtual office is the best way for a business startup. On the whole, the best benefit of virtual offices is cost savings. Also provide a cost-effective way to gain a presence locally in Hong Kong. Centre O provide virtual office services to fit your needs. Not only offering professional and excellent customer support, you also need a good impression to show your office is in alignment with what you project to your customers. A professional-looking office, good lighting, ventilation, and ergonomic furnitures with helpful front line staff are what any business needs.

At Centre O, we believe YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS. We are standby to help you and your customers. No matter you are looking for a rented room or business supporting services. Centre O is the ultimate solution to straightforward business set-ups or expansions in Hong Kong. You can fully focus on your business; we can assist all the administrative procedures.

What made Centre O difference?

  • Front desk and Concierge service on the spot and not on your payroll;
  • Amenities included;
  • Flexible lease terms;
  • Friendly staff with Professional services with a personal touch;
  • Local knowledge;
  • More than 10 years experience – good at what we do.


For further information, please contact us.


Second Employment Support Scheme for Wage Subsidies

The Government has launched the Employment Support Scheme (ESS) since February 2020. Following from the first round of the “Anti-epidemic Fund”. ESS is providing a time-limited financial support on wage subsidies to employers to retain employees to avoid redundant.

Wage Subsidies and Calculation

In most cases, the Government will provide wage subsidies to eligible employers for 6 months. As a rule,  the subsidies will be disbursed in two tranches. The first tranche of subsidies will cover the period from June to August 2020. While the second tranche will cover the period from September to November 2020.

Application Procedure 

Step 1: To select the application nature that employers
  1. participating in MPF Schemes;
  2. who have set up ORSO Schemes;
  3. with MPF and ORSO Schemes; Or
  4. as well as the Self-employed Person

Step 2: To declare you understand the  initial application Criteria.   

You must go-through all 7 questions and then answer “YES”.

Step 3: To prepare document and reference information
  1. MFP company, programme and scheme number;
  2. Business Registration number
  3. Company registered address same as Business Registration
  4. Latest Company Bank Statement for upload
  5. Company Bank Information (Name of Holder, name of bank and account number)
  6. Your contact details such as contact person, mobile number & email.

After you have completed all the above information online. The last but not the least, you have to press the confirm button. Then the confirm page will pop up as below:

For further information, please contact us.



继首轮「抗疫基金」后,政府自 2020 年 2 月起推出就业支援计划(ESS)。 就业支援计划正在向雇主提供限时的工资补贴财政支持,以留住雇员,避免裁员。

在大多数情况下,政府会向符合条件的雇主提供为期 6 个月的工资补贴。补贴将分两批发放,第一期补贴为2020年6月至8月,第二期为2020年9月至11月。

第 1 步:选择雇主的申请性质

第 2 步:声明您了解初始申请标准。

您必须完成所有 7 个问题,然后回答“是”。

第 3 步:准备文件和参考资料
MFP 公司、计划和计划编号;



您可能想要了解:为 香港中小型企业提供的 1,375 亿港元金融救助计划

首次工资补贴将于 5 月 25 日起接受申请

政府较早前宣布推出就业支援计划(ESS)。计划斥资 810 亿港元,为雇主提供限时财政支援,并提供工资补贴,以留住员工,保持香港的实力。行政长官林郑月娥5月12日宣布,从5月25日起,第一批就业服务计划接收申请。

经过深入调研,与利益相关者讨论,并听取了不同部门的意见。香港政府已基本敲定就业支援计划的细节。就业支援计划的第一期将于 6 月到 2020 年 8 月,提供 3 个月的工资补贴。

首先,扩大强制性公积金((MPF)计划下就业支援计划的覆盖范围至 65 岁或以上的雇员。现时约有六万名 65 岁或以上的雇员拥有强积金帐户,如雇主为这些雇员自愿缴纳强积金,可为其申请工资补贴;

此外,就业支援计划的覆盖范围扩大至2个为建造业和餐饮业量身定制的强积金行业计划。雇主可以为“正式雇员”申请工资补贴。年龄在 18 至 64 岁之间的雇员,并且已连续工作 60 天或以上,则雇主已为他们缴付强积金供款;


但政府会按“指定月份”实际支付工资的50%计算工资补贴金额。雇主根据企业情况选择指定月份。工资上限为每月 18,000 港元。政府听取了部分受疫情影响较大的行业的意见后,决定允许雇主选择2019年12月为“指定月份”。换言之,申请第一期工资补贴的“指定月份”可以是2019年12月至2020年3月之间的任何一个月,而不是之前提出的1月至2020年3月之间。



本条例旨在通过设立新公司及开设强积金户口,进一步厘清申请资格,并防止市民申请工资补贴。申请工资补贴的相关雇主和雇员的强积金账户应已在 2020 年 3 月 31 日或之前开设(即不能追溯至该日期或任何更早的日期)。换言之,在 2020 年 4 月 1 日或之后开设强积金账户的雇主将无法获得第一期工资补贴。


就业服务计划的第一批工资补贴的申请将于 5 月 25 日开始。符合条件的雇主和简化员工退休金计划可以在 5 月 25 日至 6 月 14 日期间提交在线申请。补贴预计会在提交申请后的 3 至 4 周内发放给大多数雇主。

以便尽早向雇主发放工资补贴,从而防止雇主裁员,政府会确保就业支援计划下的申请程序简单易懂。申请就业支援计划的雇主和简化员工退休金计划必须授权就业支援计划处理代理人(由政府委任)直接从强积金受托人那里接收强积金记录证书。 以确认有关强积金供款的资料。 雇主无需在申请时提交这些信息,而 强积金受托人不会就发出该等证明书而向雇主及环境保护署收取任何费用。




你可能想要了解:https :  //centreo.hk/hkd137-5b-financial-relief-hong-kong/

First tranche of wage subsidy will receive Application from 25th May

The Government announced earlier the launch of the Employment Support Scheme (ESS). Planned to spend $81 billion to provide time-limited financial support to employers with wage subsidy to retain their employees. Hence maintaining the strength for Hong Kong. The Chief Executive, Mrs. Carrie Lam, announced on 12th May the first tranche of the ESS will receive application from 25th May.

After an intensive research, discussed with stakeholder, and listened to the views of different sectors. HK government has largely finalized the details of the ESS. The first tranche of the ESS will provide wage subsidies for 3 months from June to August 2020.  

Improvement measures in respect of the wage subsidy:

Firstly, Extending the coverage of the ESS to employees aged 65 or above under the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) schemes. At present, around 60 000 employees aged 65 or above are having MPF accounts. If employers have made voluntary MPF contribution for these employees, they may apply for wage subsidies for them;

Furthermore, extending the coverage of the ESS to 2 MPF Industry Schemes, tailor-made for the construction industry and catering industry.  Employers may apply for wage subsidies for “regular employees”. Employees who are 18 – 64 years of age,  and employers have employed for a continuous period of 60 days or more. Then employers have made MPF contributions for them;  

Thirdly, relaxing the eligibility of self-employed persons (SEPs) that they should have made MPF contributions between January 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020. After the relaxation, SEPs who have set up an MPF account on or before March 31, 2020 and with that account remaining opened as of the same date may apply for a one-off subsidy of $7,500; and

Nevertheless, the Government will calculate the amount of wage subsidies based on 50% of the actual wage paid in the “specified month”. The specified month at the choice of the employers based on the situation of the enterprises. The wage cap at $18,000 per month. After listening to the views of some of the sectors hard hit by the epidemic, the Government decided to allow the employers to choose December 2019 as the “specified month”. In other words, the “specified month” for the purpose of applying for the first tranche of wage subsidy can be any one month between December 2019 and March 2020, instead of between January and March 2020 as previously proposed.

The measures under the Anti-epidemic Fund should fulfill the following 5 principles:

  • Simple to understand;
  • Easy to access;
  • Quick to disburse funds;
  • Sufficiently broad-based benefitting large numbers of individuals and businesses;
  • Paving the way for economic recovery.


Generally speaking, with the exception of ineligible employers (mainly organisations whose employees’ salaries don’t affected by the epidemic, for example, the HKSAR Government, statutory bodies, subvented organisations with employees’ salaries subsidised by the Government). All employers has made MPF contributions for employees (including Master Trust Schemes and Industry Schemes) or who have set up MPF-exempted Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (ORSO) schemes, may apply for ESS.

To further clarify eligibility and to prevent people from applying for wage subsidy by establishing a new company and opening MPF accounts. The MPF accounts of the relevant employers and employees applying for the wage subsidy should have been set up on or before 31st March, 2020 (i.e. cannot be backdated to that date or any earlier dates). In other words, employers with the MPF accounts set up on or after 1st April, 2020 will not be eligible for the first tranche of wage subsidy.

Employers’ Promises

Employers participating in the ESS must provide an undertaking not to make redundancies during the subsidy period. And to spend all the wage subsidies on paying wages to the employees. If an employer fails to comply with the undertaking, the Government will claw back the unspent balance of the wage subsidy or/and impose other penalty. 

Application & Disbursement

The application for the first tranche of wage subsidy under the ESS is starting from 25th May. Eligible employers and SEPs may submit online application from 25th May to 14th June. The subsidy expects to disburse to the majority of employers in 3 to 4 weeks after submitting application.


In order to disburse the wage subsidy to employers as early as possible and hence prevent employers making redundancies. The Government will ensure the application procedures under the ESS are simple and easy to understand. Employers and SEPs applying for the ESS are required to authorise the ESS processing agent (appointed by the Government) to receive MPF record certificates directly from the MPF trustees. In order to confirm the information related to MPF contributions. Employers don’t need to submit such information at the time of application. And MPF trustees will not charge employers and SEPs any fees on the issue of the certificates.

The Government will announce next week other detailed arrangements about the ESS. Including the online application procedures, monitoring mechanism and calculation of penalty.


For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: https://centreo.hk/hkd137-5b-financial-relief-hong-kong/





公司必须维持公司秘书服务,聘请专业公司秘书代表您的公司与公司注册处联系。自 2018 年以来,新的公司条例要求每个公司的秘书都必须获得 TCSP 许可证。此外,公司秘书必须对客户尽职调查和对公司最终实益拥有人的持续监控进行更新。





Deregistration and Restoration Q & A

1/ Can any company registered in Hong Kong apply for deregistration under the new Company Ordinance (Cap.622) (“the new CO”) at the Company Registry?

No. Only if it is a private company and a company limited by guarantee may apply for deregistration under Division 2 of Part 15 of the new CO.


2/ Are there any changes in the conditions and requirements for making an application for deregistration under the new Company Ordinance?

Yes. Besides of the three conditions specified in the old Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32), namely, the company has not commenced/has ceased operation or business, it has no outstanding liabilities and all the members agree to the deregistration. Additionally, there are three new conditions for deregistration are specified under section 750(2) of the new CO:

  • the company is not a party to any legal proceedings;
  • it has no immovable property situate in Hong Kong; and
  • if the company is a holding company, none of its subsidiary’s assets consist of any immovable property situate in Hong Kong.


3. Under the new CO, are there any changes in the document submission requirement for deregistration? 

No. The documents required are same as before. The application must be in the specified form, accompanied by the prescribed fee, as well as  accompanied by a written notice of no objection to deregistration from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.


4. How to restore a dissolved company to the Company Register under the new CO?

In brief, it is depending on:

A company dissolved by deregistration may apply to the Court of First Instance for restoration.

A company dissolved by striking off by the Registrar of Companies may apply for restoration by court order or by administrative restoration.

For restoration by court order, an application can be made to the Court of First Instance pursuant to section 765 of the new CO. 


5. What is “administrative restoration”?

In general “Administrative restoration” is a new process to administratively restore a company to the Companies Register by the Registrar of Companies.


6. Can any company apply for administrative restoration?

No. To be eligible for administrative restoration, the company’s name must have been struck off due to the Companies Register by the Registrar of Companies and also the company must have been dissolved consequently. A company which was dissolved by way of deregistration or winding up cannot apply for administrative restoration.


7. Can a dissolved company apply for administrative restoration any time?

No, hence there are time limitation as below:

For a dissolved local company, within 20 years after the date of the dissolution. Whereas, for a non-Hong Kong company, within 6 years after the date of the striking off. 


8. Who can apply for administrative restoration of a dissolved company?

Hence there are limitations for the persons who can apply to the Registrar of Companies for administrative restoration. For a dissolved local company, a person who was a director or member of the company.  Same as to a non-Hong Kong company, a person who is a director or member of the company.

The Registrar will usually require the production of the written authorizations of the members of the company for making the application.


9. What are the conditions for administrative restoration?

Importantly, there are conditions for administrative restoration are:

(a) For a dissolved local company
  • the company was in operation or carrying on business at the time. And the name strike off from  the Companies Register;
  • if the company has any immovable property situate in Hong Kong which has become vested in the Government as bona vacantia, the Government has no objection to the restoration;
  • the applicant must bring up to date the records of the company kept by the Registrar of Companies; and
  • the Government’s costs, expenses and liabilities in dealing with the property or right during the period of dissolution, or in connection with the proceedings on the application. The applicant paid or reimbursed.
(b) for a non-Hong Kong company
  • the company had a place of business in Hong Kong at the time of the application and at any time within the period of 6 months before its name was struck off the Companies Register; and
  • the applicant must bring up to date the records of the company kept by the Registrar of Companies; and

The Registrar of Companies may also impose any other conditions as the Registrar thinks fit.


For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: https://centreo.hk/options-closing-business-hong-kong/




1. 在香港注册的公司是否可以根据新《公司条例》(第 622 章)(“新公司条例”)在公司注册处申请撤销注册?
不可以。只有私人公司及担保有限公司才可根据新条例第 15 部第 2 分部申请撤销注册。

是的。除旧《公司条例》(第 32 章)规定的三个条件外,即公司尚未开始或已停止经营及业务,公司没有未偿还的负债,并且所有成员均同意撤销注册。另外,根据新公司第750(2)节规定了三个注销登记的新条件:


3. 在新条例下,注销登记的文件提交要求有无变化?

4. 如何将已解散的公司恢复到新公司条例下的公司登记册?


如需通过法院命令恢复,可根据新《公司条例》第 765 条向原讼法庭提出申请。

5. 什么是“行政恢复”?

6. 任何公司都可以申请行政恢复吗?


对于解散的本地公司,自解散之日起 20 年内。而对于非香港公司,则是在剔除日期后的 6 年内。

8. 谁可以申请对已解散公司进行行政恢复?


(a) 对于已解散的本地公司
(b) 非香港公司




Hong Kong Limited Company Maintain and Upkeep

Without a doubt, maintain and upkeep for a Limited Company in Hong Kong is as critical as the initial setting up. Basically,  any Hong Kong Limited Company has to liaison with two government departments at least ones per year.

Firstly the Hong Kong Limited Company must liaise with the Company Registry Department

We need to update company structure, even there was no changes. It is mandatory to have your company to file Annual Return.

Nevertheless, the company must maintain a Company Secretarial Service, hiring a professional Company Secretary, acting on behalf of your Limited Company to Company Registry. Since 2018, the new Company Ordinance required every Company Secretary has to be TCSP licensed. Additionally, the Company Secretary must preform an update on Client Due Diligence check and on-going monitoring of the Limited Company’s Ultimate Beneficially Owner(s).

Secondly, the Hong Kong Limited Company must also liaise with the Inland Revenue Department

This department deals with the financial information of the company.The company needs to renew Business Registration with the Inland Revenue Department.  Ensuring the Registered Office address information are correct and up to date.  At the same time, any Hong Kong Limited Company must arrange accounting and auditing every 12  months of business. The Inland Revenue Department will also send Employer’s return form and also Profit Tax Return form to the Hong Kong Limited Company, which required the company to fill in and file back on time.   

Beside the mandatory document, the company must maintain a commercial address in HK.

For further information, please contact us.

You may want to read: https://centreo.hk/company-secretary-hong-kong-limited-business/

Business Registration Fees for Year 2020-2021

The Hong Kong Financial Secretary proposed in his 2020-2021 budget to waive business registration fees for one year.


Starting from 1st April 2020. By the proposal, the fees payable in respect of business registration certificates and branch registration certificates. That commence on or after  1st April 2020 but before 1st April 2021. As a result, the sum of $2,000 and $73 are reduced. Taking into account of the proposal, the office has not demanded the registration fee for the above period in renewal certificate and demand note for the business or branch. In summary, the levy still remains payable at $250.


Please note that the above proposal requires enactment of legislative amendments. The Legislative Council will approve or amend the relevant legislative amendment. Business Registration Office would notify the proper amount payable for the business or branch.

For further information, please contact us.

 You may want to read: http://centreo.hk/2020-budget-help-businesses-hong-kong/