BlackDogAnyone who has ever had a dog, would probably (definitely) agree with the popular saying: “A dog is a man’s best friend”.

But some of us would go as far as to say that we can not only be friends with dogs, but we can also learn from them.

A recent article on Entrepreneur.com on the same topic even strengthened my belief.  So what is it that dogs do so much better?

Positive attitude

Dogs seem to have a generally positive outlook on life. They are excited about life in a way that is hard for most of us to understand. They are happy to go out, happy to come home, happy to see a car or a cat and just as happy to find an old tennis ball. And that gives them energy and enthusiasm that we are so eager to have in our business lives.

Lesson to learn: We look for it in yoga, training sessions, meditation and self-help books. But perhaps a simple key to having more enthusiasm at work is being happy about it or working on increasing that level of happiness.

Working smart

Dogs are great at being dogs and they never get lazy. Why? They have plenty of rest and are extremely focused. A dog may sleep through half a day, but when they are “on the job”, their attention is at its peak. They are ready to take commands, run, jump and give it their all.

Lesson to learn: do not overwork yourself. Take your time, rest. But when on the job, give it everything you can.

They live to serve

Not in a bad way, associated with lack of self-confidence. They simply love to see others happy, especially if all it takes is to fetch.

Lesson to learn: When you serve your client from heart, they feel it and respond. A passion for providing the best service is what truly makes a business stand out.

They communicate

Dogs are simply great at getting their feelings across. They wag their tail, growl, follow you if hungry or drop a ball at your feet to play. There is no drama, passive-aggressiveness, hidden feelings or held grudges. What you see is what you get.

Lesson to learn: Communication in business can make or break you. And no matter how hard it sometimes is to be direct, it is often the most effective and honest way to communicate with your colleagues and partners.

They get over things

Dogs make mistakes and are often punished for them. Eating from the garbage can, tearing tissue paper, eating shoes…And the feedback comes quickly and often harshly. But how dot hey take it? They get quiet, they listen and …they move on

Lesson to learn: Criticism and negative remarks can not hold you back. Move on quickly and confidently with as much new knowledge as you can.

So take a closer look at your dog.  And this time do you best to get past the cuteness to the wisdom within.

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