How to protect your business in Hong Kong

The essential function of a trademark is to exclusively identify the commercial source or origin of products or services, so a trademark, properly called, indicates source or serves as a badge of origin. Typically a trademark can be words (including personal names), indications, designs, letters, characters, numerals, figurative elements, colours, sounds, smells, the shape of …


商标的基本功能是专门识别产品或服务的商业来源或原产地,因此一个商标的正确命名,表明来源或作为原产地标志。 通常,商标可以是文字(包括人名)、标志、设计、字母、字符、数字、图形元素、颜色、声音、气味、商品或其包装的形状或这些的任意组合。 标志必须能够以图形方式表[…]

New way of perceive time

A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that those who worked 55 hours per week performed more poorly on some mental tasks than those who worked 40 hours per week. People work best in intense 90-minute bursts followed by periods of recovery. Taken together, these findings suggest that with the right scheduling of …

No, You Shouldn’t Obsess Over Being Perfect – Especially When Starting Up

The definition of entrepreneur is all about a person who organizes and operates a business taking on greater than normal financial risks. If you are investing in your business and you can’t see an immediate return, it’s normal: keep working hard. When your purpose is starting a business it’s easy to look at someone who …


企业家的定义是关于组织和经营企业承担高于正常财务风险的人。如果您正在投资您的业务并且看不到立即回报,这是正常的:继续努力工作。 当您的目的是创业时,很容易看到已经在做这件事的人,并尝试逆向设计他们的战略。 在某些情况下,这真的很有用。从成功人士的经验中学习是加[…]


美国流行病学杂志的一项研究发现,每周工作 55 小时的人在某些脑力任务上的表现比每周工作 40 小时的人要差。 人们在 90 分钟的剧烈爆发中工作得最好,然后是恢复期。综上所述,这些发现表明,通过正确安排休息时间,员工可以在更短的时间内完成类似的工作量。 此外[…]

Happy Birthday Multi-Networking Business Community: celebrating 1 year on Meetup

Happy birthday Multi-Networking Business Community: celebrating 1 year on Meetup In the last year Meetup became really well-known and used: but what it exactly is? It is a social network useful to ease meetings between groups of people, linked by common interests all around the world. Just to list some of the most popular topics: …

多网络商业社区生日快乐:庆祝 1 年

多网络商业社区生日快乐:庆祝 1 年 在去年,Meetup 变得非常有名并被使用:但它到底是什么? 它是一个社交网络,有助于缓解由世界各地的共同利益联系在一起的人群之间的会议。列举一些最热门的话题:从美术馆到会计,从户外健身到化妆排毒,从养狗到风水等等。 开始[…]