Are You Having Too Much Sugar? – Healthy Alternatives to Sugary Drinks!

As it seems to be getting hotter, we thought you would be tempted by the same things we are: some nice refreshing drinks! However, with all the sugary choices we have these days, opting for a healthy alternative may be quite hard. The recommended intake of sugar for adults is 10 teaspoons (40 G) a …

Office Health Scares Part III: Lower Back Pain

Problem: According to Georgetown University Centre, back pain is actually the major reason for missed  work for adults of ages. And that is not surprising: sitting for hours on end, especially with bad posture can be devastating. But bad posture goes beyond the common slouching – sitting up straight and curving your back too much can …

Office Health Scares Part II: Joint Problems

Problem: We are meant to move. And sitting in one place for too long can make your joints feel tight. Sitting at a desk shortens and tightens the hip flexors and muscles that help pull your legs toward your body (according to the Yoga Journal). This can in its turn contribute to back pain as well. …


(图片) 问题: 我们需要走动。在一个地方坐太久会让你的关节感觉紧绷。坐在办公桌前可以缩短和收紧臀部屈肌和肌肉,帮助将双腿拉向身体(根据瑜伽杂志)。 这反过来也会导致背痛。 预防:定期从办公桌上站起来,四处走走,做一些轻微的伸展运动。


今天有幸采访了湾仔当地的一家咖啡馆——CoCo Espresso。距离 Center O 步行五分钟,他们在忙碌的一天中抽出时间让我更多地了解他们隐藏的小店。 (图片) 最初位于上环的 CoCo Espresso 最近在过去一年将另一家分店扩展到湾仔。由屡获殊[…]


(图片) 问题: 根据乔治城大学中心的说法,背痛实际上是成年人错误工作姿势的主要原因。这并不奇怪:连续几个小时坐着,尤其是不良姿势可能是毁灭性的。但不良姿势不仅仅是常见的懒散——坐直和过度弯曲背部也会导致腰痛。 预防:注意工作时的姿势。你甚至可以在办公桌上贴一[…]


今天我去参观了 Alexandre de Paris 在 Landmark 的商店。在一个容易找到的位置,一踏进商店,我就被华丽的艺术品所淹没。 (图片) 每个企业都有自己的故事,对于这个奢华的发饰品牌来说,它始于一个人 – 路易斯·亚历山大·雷曼[…]

Office Health Scares Part IV: Eye Strain

Problem: According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of eye strain include: blurry vision, sensitive eyes, watery or dry eyes, headaches or sore neck. They usually manifest themselves after long hours of staring at the screen. Prevention: We know that sometimes, long hours in front of the computer are unavoidable. We all have those deadlines to keep to. …


(图片) 问题: 根据梅奥诊所的说法,眼睛疲劳的症状包括:视力模糊、眼睛敏感、眼睛流泪或干涩、头痛或颈部酸痛。这些症状通常在长时间盯着屏幕后会表现出来。 预防: 我们知道,为了遵守工作的最后期限,有时长时间在电脑前是不可避免的。因此,让我们尽我们所能减轻眼睛的[…]